Thursday, April 2, 2009

And now for the beds we didn't choose...

Thank you everyone for your advice! I really appreciate it! We have chosen "The Bed." It was a tough decision. There were a lot of really pretty beds who for one reason or another didn't make the cut. I thought I would show you the 2nd, 3rd and 4th runners up....

This one here was a nice bed. We were not going to get the canopy on top (as we are ceiling fan junkies and this would interfere with our wind flow:) But it also had a lot of intricate details and scrollwork on the pillars- I thought it would collect too much dust in all the nooks and crannies. And you know how compulsive I am about that sort of stuff. :) Sorry Bed #1.
This one here I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Sadly, they sell "sets only." I would have had to buy the bed, dresser, and 1 nightstand. Don't need the dresser. And 1 nightstand? We need 2 thank you. So when you add that all up....CHA-CHING! Sorry beautiful bed #2...I'll miss you!

This bed was a big favorite of Ricardo's. But upon closer inspection it was cheaply made. Had nailhead trim that was 'glued' on...was peeling off on the showroom floor. No thanks. Can't have The Marital Bed falling apart on us! That wouldn't do at all. See ya bed #3. (But I'm keeping the kid in the photo-thank you very much! ;)
Do you want to see the bed you helped me choose? So do I!!! But this is a little "teaser." As the chosen bed is backordered for 4 weeks. So check back at the end of April for the big unveiling.....I'M SO EXCITED!!! Thanks again for all your input! You helped our decision tremendously!!! (P.S. ALL the boys thank you for putting an end to the shopping expedition! :)


Jen said...

We have to wait?!?!

kiki said...

No thanks on the wait. I'd like to see it now please. ...... P.S. Blue eyes looks crazy excited to be bed shopping.... :) Thank goodness that's over.
How funny my word is restye. That's a good sign for the bed blog. :)