Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lost in Translation

Are any of you bilingual? What languages do you speak? I wish I were bilingual. I really need to work on that. I could learn a second language I am sure if I REALLY, REALLY tried hard. Maybe that whole Rosetta Stone set I keep seeing advertised on television. Now I just need to carve out some down time in my schedule. LOL!

Some languages just sound cool to me. Like French, very romantic. I think you could say just about anything in French and it would sound wonderful. You could say "Stacy, I think your stupidity is only rivaled by your ugliness in it's intensity!" I swear I would melt to mush just from the mere sound of my name being mentioned in a sentence. Honest.

Another language I love is Spanish. I especially love to listen to men speaking Spanish with each other. It sounds so fun! I haven't a clue of what they are saying; but, they always end almost every conversation with belly laughs. It reminds me of when my Dad and his brothers get together. They start teasing each other, poking fun, and then do the whole gut busting laughter. Fond memories!

I took Spanish in High School. Can't say as I walked away from the experience learning a thing. (Although I did acquire a fondness for the music! Love it!) I have managed to learn a few words thanks to "Dora the Explorer." But alas , it has still left me ill equipped to deal with the real world. I can say please/thank you, can recite the names of colors, and I can yell "jump" if I see a large snowball rolling down a hill towards someone....but I seriously doubt that the situation will ever arise where I can use utilize my knowledge. "Salto! It's a grande blanco bolo!" Sometimes, I think a little knowledge does more harm than good. I probably got the words out of order. Instead of "Jump! its a large snowball." I probably said, "Jump! If you're a ball of large snow."

Which leads me to my case in point. The other day, George and David conversed in Spanish with each other while they installed the floors in the bedroom. Sometimes you could tell that George was asking for David to grab a tool or cut a board. Short one or two word requests by George. Followed by "Si' " from David. For the most part, they conversed back and forth with each other easily. I tried to pick up a few words as I came back and forth offering drinks and admiring their workmanship.

I kept hearing them randomly repeat the words "Senora." "Casa" and "Guapo." over and over again throughout the day. Now I know those three words. Lady, house and handsome. At least I think guapo is handsome and bonita is pretty. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Unless guapo still means pretty but if a man says it it's "guapo" and if a girl says it, you say "bonita." See, there's a big void in my knowledge. Which leads me to a severe disadvantage.

I don't know who they were talking about. They could have been talking about anyone or any house. Perhaps it wasn't about me or my house at all. But I am convinced that they either thought my house was pretty.... Or...,that I am as big as a house; but would make a very handsome man! Alas, with my insecurity about my looks; I'm convinced it is the latter. I do have freakishly large man hands after all. And my shoulders are waaaay to broad for a girl! Let's face it, I'm a "Feo grande senor casa!"...A big ugly man house!

Which leads me to today's lesson. THIS is what happens when you eavesdrop on a conversation! Especially when you don't understand the language! Perhaps you really don't want to hear what is being said, and it is none of your business! But I must say, Thank you George and David! I have never been insulted and had it sound so pretty before!!! :)


kiki said...

You are nuts. :) I think they are gay and were saying that a very handsome man lives in this house. You never know .... ? Be Careful Ricardo.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! I don't know what's funnier, you or Kiki!
I'm even worse the only spanish I know is Por favor uno cervasa.
I don't even know if I spelled that right! I can ask for a beer. How lame.

Jen said...

"Jump! If you're a ball of large snow." <---THAT SLAYED ME!

You are so stinkin funny Stacy. You should be a writer! For real! And I bet Kiki is on the right track with her comment...

Matt has the German version of Rosetta Stone. I am sure that will come in real handy. *eye roll* I think he should have chosed the Arabic version instead....