Friday, April 24, 2009

Gardening Update

For those of you wondering how my little garden experiment is working out, "Lettuce" see shall we:

I see salad in our future!

And for dessert I believe we will be serving up strawberries:
Okay, so far it's only 1 strawberry that we will have to split 4 ways. Still,... yeah!!! The berries are growing!!!

I believe we will have plenty of squash to go around:

Look at all these little buds n blooms underneath even:

How exciting!!!

And lets not forget the maters:

Notice how I put them right next to the "salad." So they will know what their purpose in life is :)

I'm getting good results so far don't you think?:

From mators to tators...Somebody absolutely wonderful, and generous took pity on my poor soul and sent me seed potatoes! Can you believe it?! I got my spuds after all! Kiki you are too sweet to ever be au gratin...I mean forgotten :) I am beyond thrilled! Look! It isn't too late to start seed potatoes. Grumpella is full of fertilizer I think. They are growing up a storm. I have to get out later today and cover them up with more dirt. According to the bag directions, I can keep growing these babies thru-out October if I plant them in shifts.( I guess the bags stay warmer than ground soil or something.) So I planted two seed potatoes and saved two more to plant here again in a couple of weeks.

There will be no potato famine on my watch! No way, No how, No sir!
I'm beyond giddy with this gardening venture so far! I'll keep you posted as these beauties progress! My family is excited too... "lettuce" just say: Tators and mators and squash....they make us so "berry" happy!!!


Jen said...

Lucky duck! Your plants are looking better than mine! I do have tomatoes and peppers in the garden and I have pumpkins growing in little peat pots. I am hoping for a bumper crop of jackolantern pumpkins this fall!

Anonymous said...

Nice! We still can't plant yet. Soon very soon. When all the Gods and Fates alleign and the full moon comes out to stay. (At least all night)

Anonymous said...

Hey I didn't realize til I was sticking out that my code were was

Jen said...

I dreamt of you and potatoes last night! In my dream, you had all of these neat little holders that you could put the little chunks of potatoes on and then stick them in the ground with little straws... I know it doesn't make sense to anyone else... doesn't make sense to me either!

I think it might be because you have all of these handy gardening gadgets and I just have a patch of dirt for planting! :)

Isn't my subconscious weird?

kiki said...

I love the garden!! And good for you and your potatoe crop. Ha ha Grumpella!! Looks gorgeous. So glad your thumb is green.