Friday, March 13, 2009

Things I Think are Great...The Sequel

I'm one of those people who really, really like something, or just really don't. If I really, really LOVE something, I want to share it with everyone. With that in mind, here's some oldies and newbies that I think are just great. Maybe you will find one or two that you will think are great too.

We started using this vitamin one year ago. Originally we purchased it for brown eyes. I had read about it in one of the Autism books I had purchased. It came highly recommended. Brown eyes is a VERY finicky eater with textural issues as well. Often times I had trouble getting him to chew a vitamin. This product is great because it's a liquid. I mix it up with a little green tea...and down the hatch. The rest of the family takes this as well. I'm not claiming it's a miracle drug...but it's doggone close! Love it!!! We've seen fantastic results. I swear my memory and even IQ has improved since taking it. (I know, I know, you're wondering HOW bad WAS I to begin with?!! LOL!) I buy it directly from Kirkman Labs.Com. They also sell sample sizes, so you can try it for yourself for about $5. Not a bad investment in your health! Now this isn't new, but man I love it. Most of you with kiddos have heard of The Backyardigans. Out of all the kid shows out there, this is one of my all time favorites. I sometimes find myself watching it when I'm the only one left in the's THAT cute! My personal favs are Pablo and Austin. Who's yours?

I first discovered this little gem 13-14 years ago while working in the dental office. We got free samples sent to us every month to hand out. I continued to use this even after I "retired." The fact that I would buy something I used to get for free speaks volumes. Now I can't find it in stores ANYWHERE, so I have to order it online. (I buy it by the case, but you can order it in singles as well.) It's hands down the BEST lip balm/chapstick I have EVER tried. But don't take my word for it try it yourself. Your lips will thank you. I get mine from

This last item is one I just started using this past month. It's Bed Head Dumb Blonde Hair Reconstructor. It has really worked well for my hair...and it smells soooooo yummy!!! Reminds me of Pina Colada's...enough said.:) Also, If any one asks: "Have you been drinking again?" you can just reply: "No, you silly, silly minx. That's just my HAIR that you smell!" ha ha ha!!!

-This week I've been sorely tempted to put some in a glass with a little ice and an umbrella. A whole different kind of deep conditioning treatment. LOL!

Anyway, these are some things that I am liking right now. Maybe you will too. Note: I'm not getting paid a penny for my endorsements. But if you try one of these and really, really like it too...feel free to send me an I.O.U....;)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thanks for the recommendations!