Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I.C.E...Look in the "Air Supply" Folder

I don't know how it is in most households, but I'll tell you how it is in ours. My husband makes the money, and I spend it. (ha ha ha.) Sorry. But that's really what happens, and yet... not really. Ricardo does bring home the moola. And, because he deals with money all day long, the last thing he wants to do is contend with more figures when he gets home. (Except for mine of course-wink- wink.)

That's where I come in. Since I am unemployed and have nothing to do, (insert laughter here.) I pay all the bills. I know where every dime he makes is/ or has gone. Poor Ricardo is blissfully clueless. He doesn't have to deal with that stress. Or take any blame when the money is gone either I guess. Hmmmm....

I've said more than once that Ricardo would be lost without me. (Probably blissfully happy...yet, lost none the same. But I digress.) Take for example, my filing system. Since I pay all the bills, I also file the receipts/stubs. Ricardo happened to notice me filing the receipt/stub for the company that does our yard fertilizer/weed treatments in our "Entertainment" folder. He mistakenly asked the question....

Ricardo: Why do you file the yard treatments under "Entertainment?"

Me: Because, it tickles me to no end that I don't have to do it! Therefore, "Entertainment!"...then I give him one of those "Duh!" looks.

Which made Ricardo laugh and walk away shaking his head at my "fool proof"...I mean "full proof" system.

But that got me to thinking, WHAT would he do if I was gone? HOW would this poor man find anything financial he might need?! So, I'm reviewing this with him, writing it down and posting it here. This way he has it for future reference. Or maybe one of you can help him if need be.

Here goes....


All the credit card statements are under..."F..." (Because that's the first word I say every month when they arrive.)

The Internet bill is under "Phone". (Because it's tied in with our phone bill silly.)

Life insurance info is filed under "L/L"... which of course stands for "Loss / Lottery" depending upon which of us goes first or how it's viewed after this many years of marriage....just joking!

Now Ricardo, quit asking questions, rolling your eyes and pay attention, this is important!!!

As far as our savings account info...it doesn't even have a folder yet. You'll find it sitting in my bill box. Why? Because, I can't decide whether to label it under "Life Boat" for Rainy Day Funds that will keep us afloat, "SAI" for savings account info, or perhaps it would be best served filed under "Anniversary Ring" so we can spend it on that!....(LOL!) In which case, maybe I should file it in the "Entertainment folder?!" Because trust me, THAT would tickle me to no end! :)

Ricardo?!.... There's only about 24 more categories to go honey!... Hang in there!... You can do this! Honey?..... Ricardo! Come back!!!

Oh well. Seems he doesn't have the stamina it takes for filing. Or bill paying. Guess I'm lucky he has the patience to put up with me for all these years. I'll just have to make sure nothing happens to me any time soon. Poor guy. He would definitely be soooo lost without me. Hmmmmm... Maybe I should just put everything in a folder and label it "Air Supply?!"


Anonymous said...

I jsut can't stop laughing! 17 years ago my husband told me I should dye my hair a different color cause being blonde and paying bills wsn't working out for me. I haven't paid a bill since. Every week I hold out my hand and say, cash please.
Your husband is one lucky man!

Jen said...

I wish I was as organized as you are! Travis and I always pay our bills on time but there is no rhyme or reason to our system. I wish I had such a sound filing system as the one you've created for your household!

Oh, and almost forgot - congrats on the getting the PMI dropped! That's sweet!