Friday, March 6, 2009

Just Wondering...

While working out today, I heard some guy say the following on the televison..." I only have one T.V. in my home. There is no T.V. in the bedroom. If you need a T.V. in the bedroom, you must be doing something wrong, be too boring to be with, and shouldn't be dating in the first place..." or something to that effect.

Hmmmmm....wonder what he would think of Ricardo and I. We have a 32" T.V. Not only that...we have two laptops, and we dock our cellphones in our bedroom most nights. Just wondering...:) LOL!


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't think you were boring. But it's not healthy to keep the laptops and the cell phonesin your room. Do you get headaches? If you do that would be why.
I love to watch tv in bed. It's snuggly.
My word verification is pridec

Anonymous said...

I think a tv in the bedroom actually increases "the activity." Sometimes just laying there unwinding and watching tv together gets you "in the mood". If you have to get up and get ready for bed, sometimes the mood passes.

Anonymous said...

I think a tv in the bedroom actually increases "the activity." Sometimes just laying there unwinding and watching tv together gets you "in the mood". If you have to get up and get ready for bed, sometimes the mood passes.

Anonymous said...

I guess my comment was important enough for them to print it twice. I am quite the computer wiz

Jen said...

We have a TV and laptop in our bedroom too... cell phones are downstairs where we cannot hear them at night! Sometimes I get calls from the hospital to work late at night and if I am sleeping I don't want to be bothered! :)