Thursday, March 12, 2009

A River Runs Thru It...

Guess who's had a wee little bit of rain? This is our backyard: This new river in our backyard has been LOADS of fun for a certain Mastiff pup! I let her out this afternoon. As I started surveying the landscape, I heard sloshing water, I turned around...Ella was sticking her snout deep down into the muck, running back and forth, jumping up and down, and barking... WHAT A DORK!!!

Her laps actually helped slosh some of the water out of the beds. Perhaps she knows more about landscape maintainence than I give her credit for?! You can see where the rain has flooded and spilled over the flowerbeds:

The yard is so incredibly "sloshie" it is like walking on a sponge that is completely saturated! Yuck!!! I don't know how long it will take to return to normal. I do know however, that one part dirt and 3 parts rain equals....

100% fun for the pups! Even the most careful elderly dogs can't help but get dirty. We have had to walk everyone to the side of the house one by one, spray off feet with the hose, towel dry, and then let them in. Potty breaks require just a smidgen more work for the next day or two or week or more...
I shall now channel "Samantha" off of "Bewitched" (remember how she used to call for Dr. Bombay?)....ahemmmm...."paging Nita Margarita....Nita Margarita...come right away! Come keep me company on this wet, wet, cold day!!!" :)


Jen said...

Wow! We could sure use a little rain here - everything is brown and dry and gross!

And letting the dogs out too wee would make me crazy! Big, muddy paws in your pretty house - Ack! :)

Anonymous said...

My doggie door is in the kitchen with light gray tile. Well, it used to be light gray. I have the mop and pinesol water just hanging out right now in my kitchen. It is gross, but wow I love the rainy days we've had. So needed.