Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday's Shindig

Had a big shindig this weekend. Husband had another office dinner/award function to attend. THIS time I didn't have Salmoenella. So we went. But before we went, was all the "pre-awards dinner festivities."

Now for many a girl, this would be activities like having one's hair done, nails done, having a make-up artist or stylist come over, etc.....but lest ye forget I am a freak, let me remind you. I am a FREAK... with ISSUES! Had my hair done LAST weekend-still looks good. Took all of 10 minutes to style. Don't need nails done-I have none (they are cut down to the quick from all the landscaping etc.) Make-up artist, stylist...PUHLEEZE!!! No. Slapped that stuff on in a jiffy and was ready to go.

Sadly, Yours truly started her pre awards festivities on Friday. These festivities consisted of cleaning the house from top to bottom. (Including shampooing the carpets.) And doing up all the laundry. Nervous energy about the dinner? Partially. But mostly, (I'm ashamed to admit) because we had a BABYSITTER coming over. Since we had never used her before, I wanted to do everything possible so that she would walk away with a good impression of our household. I didn't want our house to smell doggish. Or look like I was lacking in my domestic responsibilities. OY! Could I BE any more pathetic?!! I should join compulsive cleaners anonymous. And if there's not a club, I should be the founder! Now I just need to find a place to have our meetings...oh yeah, and clean it up really, REALLY nice first! :)

As far as the awards dinner, hopefully I didn't shame darling spouse too much. I wore pants. I was the only girl there in pants, but I like to think I was "progressive." :) I was really subdued. Which many of you may find surprising to hear. I have been known to be the life of the party on more than one occassion. ;) But that is among friends and people I feel comfortable around. I am actually very quiet until I get to know someone. I just sit and observe. I mentally document everything. I "read" people. (A useful skill that has helped me immensely through out life. ) And only those that pass muster are later allowed into the "circle of trust." (ie: Robert DeNiro/Meet the Parents.)

The restaruant was swanky. The food was impressive. I was proud of hubby for his accomplishments! I now have faces to put with names that I hear. I also have a better understanding of hubby's day to day working life. THAT being said, may I also say...

The dinner/awards lasted over 4 hours....4 FRIGGIN was still ongoing when we left. Who knows how much longer it went on. But we did in fact bale out early...

1. Because we have a LIFE and life's too short!!!

2. Because we had a sitter that we were paying $20 an hour... including travel time-you do the math !

3. Because I think it's important to be home in time to tuck my kiddos in and say goodnight.

4. Because 4 hours with people I'm not comfortable with is more than enough time from my day.

5. Because my Mama Mia boots were REALLY starting to hurt my feet! LOL! (if only...)

Hopefully hubby won't be penalized at work for being the first to bale. This company is supposed to be all about "people" and "family"...we'll see if they walk the walk so to speak. Ricardo, I'm proud of you!!! You're a hard worker, a good leader, a great father and husband...and after all these years, still a proud card carrying member of my freaky "circle of trust" club! Salute!!!


Anonymous said...

I try hard to get out of going to my husbands events. I'm such a bad wife. He hates going to. We'd rather be home with the kids....

Jen said...

Kudos to Ricardo!

And shoot, Stacy, you should have left the babysitter your cleaning "to do" list for $20/hr!


Stacy D. Briefing said...

Man if I wasn't such a obsessive compulsive clean freak I should have! AND had her poop scoop! LOL!! "Back in the day" I used to make 1.50-$2.00 an hour. In my twenties I only made $10 an hour watching the uber- rich children! Times they are a changing!

kiki said...

$20/hr!!!!!!! Are you serious?! I have never heard of such a thing! Caroline has 2 kids as well and paid all of her sitters $10/hr. That's crazy. I'd never go out. :) That girl won't even need a college education if she can make that as a sitter. And, I am sure you looked beautiful in your pants. Good for you two to have a date night, sorry it was awards/office. Good for you Ricardo!