Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's a Dud on this years Spuds

Yes, another dull landscaping/garden post. But tis the season. I found these flower seeds tucked away in a kitchen drawer. "Cosmos" they are called. I got them free in the mail last year, so I figure might as well give them a whirl. I planted them Saturday. Yesterday they were already peaking out of the planter. So far, loving the free seed thing! Speaking of seeds. Went to the nursery to buy potato plants. Grumpy old woman who works there directed me with her head nod over to a table. "They're over there" she said. As if the words were almost more than she could afford to part with. She's always that way. Which begs the question, "why do I keep going back?!" Anyhow, all they had were sweet potato plants. I asked her if they had any "regular" potato plants. This almost sent her into conniptions. Obviously I am too stupid to be walking around unchaperoned!!! She flat out told me she had NEVER been asked for "regular" potato plants before. Then, after faining complete disbelief in my asinine question, she announced that you plant "regular" potatoes from seed yourself-in January. Way too late in the season to start now according to Grumpella. Master gardener I ain't! But would have much rather had someone who didn't make me feel quite so stupid, someone I could have chuckled about it with. Oh well, "I never much minded the little things!" :P So, now I know. Guarantee I won't ever forget either. :) Thank you "Grumpella" for your life lesson! Love you like a mother. ;0

But that left me "holding the bag" so to speak with the potato bags I bought. So, the potato bags have now been transitioned into:

Lettuce and bell pepper bags. We'll see what type of results I get. The bags are really cute don't you think? Got little canvas handles on the sides so you can move them around. Little drainage holes with grommets on the bottoms to let excess water out as well.

I bought 5 lettuce plants. I love lettuce. Hoping that I can grow it!

The neighborhood rabbits are hoping the same. :)

I'm also hoping for great results from the bell pepper plant. I'm out double digits so far on all the dirt, plants and planters this spring. Hoping to recoup my costs in a wonderful harvest. Stranger things have happended!!!


Anonymous said...

She is not a nice. I would have to her to take a sweet suck off Riccardo's well never mind. I learn new things every year and I'm forever saying, duh, I should have known that.
I really like your bags. It's still too cold to plant outside. The grounds froze. I'm getting itchy to start.

Anonymous said...

Carsick! poo poo! I so agree though! lol! This group should never drink together. Anyway, Potatoes don't come from seeds, they come from potatoes. You buy seed potatoes that are sprouting and plant the whole potato, or cut it into sections, each having a sprout. That's what I do anyway. Just a hint from learning the hard way...make sure to put flowers around your vegetable plants. Draws the bees to your vegetable blooms easier, so they get prego and produce. Otherwise you'll just get vegetable plants that bloom.

Jen said...

Where did you find those awesome planter bag thingys? I would love to have some of those! How convenient!

Also, everyone I know plants their taters on St Pat's Day... surely it isn't too late!