Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Compulsive Cleaners Club...Now accepting Members

I told you about the appraisal. What I didn't mention is the hours leading up to the appraisal. After an entire weekend of tackling the laundry room, I had to tackle the fine details on my house before the appraiser arrived.

I stayed up late trying to get every last detail just right. Slipped into an exhaustion coma that night. Awoke early Monday morning, and discovered a few more things that I had overlooked.

Now don't get me wrong. We are not slobs. Far from it. I'm a bit of a neat freak, germ-a-phob with obsessive compulsive tendencies striving for perfection. I never achieve it...yet I'm constantly striving for it. Like those greyhound race dogs chasing the mechanical rabbit- I'm chasing after the ever elusive, perfectly spotless house. It's not an "issue"'s "NECESSARY."

When we sold our old house, I knocked myself out trying to keep our house with four people and 3 dogs in model home condition. We showed our home 25 times. It nearly killed me! I'm cleaning baseboards, dusting light bulbs, etc. And there is ALWAYS one more thing that I notice I didn't do.

I can totally relate to the Friends character, Monica. I get her. I could never have a maid. Never! I would self destruct trying to clean the house spic and span before they arrived. Is any one else out there like this as well? Anyone? ....Buehler...?

It's just the cleaning thing. I don't knock myself out cooking and serving up the perfect looking dish, making sure the presentation is just right. I don't fuss over my hair, make-up and outfit; coordinating everything to perfection. It's like how some dogs are "herding dogs" or "guard dogs". Somewhere in my DNA is the "cleaning gene". I clean when I'm stressed to relax. I clean when I'm angry to calm down. I clean....because ......well....because it's unthinkable not to. It's as natural to me as breathing. I'm going to research my family tree....I bet Mr. Clean's photo is in there somewhere. (I think I inherited my man hands from him as well....but I digress.)

So make me feel better today. Somewhere, someone out there must have this same condition. If so, raise your latex gloved hand holding a sponge....let me see you. Maybe we'll form some sort of cleaners club. Get together, have meetings, discuss the latest cleaning techniques. We can have Prozac for appetizers and a carafe of Vodka to wash it down...LOL!


Jen said...

I raise my hand in union with you! Today, I spent my entire day off cleaning bathrooms and shampooing carpets!

Anonymous said...

I will cook for you two. My home is very clean and picked up, but not THAT clean and picked up. I do however enjoy the market, cooking and the presentation. I love a housekeeper. :)