Monday, August 31, 2009

Blurred Boundaries...

When we got the new wood floors in the master bedroom, we were warned that dog's toenails could take a toll. They could scratch the floors. With the size of our dogs, they could scratch up the floors in a hurry. We are TRYING to keep the floors looking nice. So, we have implemented a "No Big Dog in the Master Bedroom Policy." They have free reign over the rest of the house, but the master bedroom is off limits.
It was a rule that was quickly learned. Our dogs are quite smart. A few times of saying-"out" and a snap of the fingers and they understood the boundaries. But some...well, let's just say they like to push the boundaries more than others.

For example, first we have our top dog and model student- Miss Ella. She gets as close to the bedroom door as possible without actually breaking any rules...

Good girl Ella!!!

Next, the Grand Dame of the group. She knows the rules, yet pushes the envelope ever so slightly. But, what can you do...??? She's so old. Getting around is a chore. It takes all she's got just to get up or lay down; so, I cut her some slack...
Good Girl Jodie! I know you're trying to obey the rules.

Then there is Big Dog #3....
I'm really going to give her a Stearn talking to...just as soon as I can do it without laughing! :)


kiki said...

OMG!!! I love it!!!!!!!! They are so stinkin cute. Just let them in, and call the wood distressed. It's the "in" thing! :)

Jen said...

How funny that their personalities show through! :)

Anonymous said...

I tried to post yesterday my compt. has been giving me fits again.
I love your dogs! I'm with Kiki!