Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mundane Musings

Not much to report of late, "slow news day(s)" so to speak. So here are some tidbits, ramblings, musings from yours truly.

Ricardo has had 2 callbacks on resumes. Both were a no-go. They were both very interested in him and his skills. They also wanted to hire him at a significant pay cut. Not feasible. Already doing that now thank your very much. So the quest continues. We are continuing to think positive. At any rate, he has been getting to brush up on his interviewing skills. :) He is also working on getting some type of certification that will put him in a very elite crowd of businessmen. It will take 6-12 months, but well worth the expense and hard work I believe. (See how supportive I am...what a good wifey! :) Now, he told me what type of certification this is, but I can't recall the exact letters...CCE...CFE....ABC...XYZ....but I definitely know, that there are 3 letters put together. :)

Been trying to adapt to life on a tighter budget. Truly, it sucks. TRULY!!! But if I were to think positively, I'd say it's building character. Ahhhh character, a much sought after trait. With any luck, I'll look like Jessica Rabbit when this is all done. Now, she's quite a character. And I can totally relate to her "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn this way!" motto. ;)

Gave the boys haircuts myself the other day. Yep, I don't believe this girl has EVER been to beauty school. Oy! Ol Blue Eyes hair turned out fine. (He held still while the clippers were going.)Brown Eyes, well...lets just say- he's sporting the Sinead O'Connor look for the next several weeks. Nothing compares to you Baby! ;)

Also brushed the dogs this week. (Told ya, thrilling news days around here.) Have any of you used the "furminator" before? We've had this dog brush for a couple of years now. It gets more hair off your pet than you even imagined possible. The commercials are no exaggeration. Loads of hair-it's disgusting! I always give out before the brush does. But if you need a good dog brush and want to be disgusted at the amount of hair accumulating on your dog...this is the one to try!

I know there will be a lot less "me time" once school starts. So, I've been putting in a couple of hours a day working out. Go Momma!!! Hitting it really hard. It feels sooooo goood! Helps the stress just pour out of my body. The numbers on the scale aren't really moving much; but, the body seems to be changing shape a little. I'm going with the "muscle weighs more than fat" theory. Sounds much better than "girl can't lose a lb to save her life" theory. Yep, pure muscle! It's there....lovingly protected by some generous, dimpled layers of"muscleguard tissue." Yeah, that's it....MUSCLEGUARD TISSUE. I believe that is the scientific term....back me up on this one girls! ;)

Got the boys registered for the school year. Blue Eyes got to choose his first elective ever this year. Remember the excitement of getting to choose what you wanted to take?! Like typing or Drivers ED???!!! Okay, maybe that was just me, I'm a dork. The elective(s) of his choice were.....Business Math and Music Education. What a scholar!!! The B.M. (that sounds tacky huh?...hee hee) is all about budgets, insurance, checkbook reconciliation, price comparison, etc. Should be useful. Next year we will be tackling foreign language...Polly Vu France??...Habla Espanol??... me neither! At any rate, school supplies should be arriving soon. Summer,... I miss you already!!!

Discovered that Brown Eyes' rash was not a food allergy. It was a reaction to too much chlorine in the pool. He's much better now, Thank goodness!!! And, we have replaced the old kit with a new chlorine reading kit- to avert this stupid kind of blunder in the future. Hopefully in a few years, we can convert over to the salt water pool system. Much less room for user error with it.:)

Finished "The Devil's Punchbowl." Wow... Talk about suspense! Made me glad my lifestyle is so dull....and sheltered! May have to go back to reading Dr. Suess for awhile to quiet my nerves. ;)

Well, I'm off to the gym. The home gym that is. Hmmm,... home gym....home school....home cooking.... anyone else starting to see a pattern here?!

Yours truly,

Ree Khluse ;)


kiki said...

Thanks for the updates. I've been wondering how everything was going. Isn't a boring life wonderful. I have worked very hard to get mine this boring. :)
Who knew 20 years ago we'd consider that a great achievement!?
I just hate it for you that your camera hasn't appeared yet! It has to be just sitting somewhere so silly...but where?

Stacy D. Briefing said...

Dull is the new hip lifestyle I believe. ;) At least that's what I keep telling myself. I've seen excitement, done drama... don't think I'm up for it anymore.

I'm so beyond bummed about the camera. It makes me sick, ill, and disgusted with myself . (Also makes for a boring blog,...they don't have the etch a sketch feature for postings yet. LOL!) I know I'll find it in November. Probably in one of the chair/couch cushions or under hideabed. So hang with me until then.

Dad can't find it. All Pita said was "Thats a CATastrophe!!!" She thinks she's so funny! ;)

Jen said...

I'll look for it SOON!

I enjoyed this post and the update... SO glad to hear that you figured out Brown Eye's rash!

Anonymous said...

Your life doesn't sound that dull to me. I hear you with all the home stuff. I like home:)