Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Great Summer Read

Summer is winding down. School will be starting soon. Just a couple more weeks and we will be back to the 4 "r's"...reading, 'ritin, 'rithmatic and ritas.......MARGAritas..Ha! But that doesn't mean we have to throw in the towel just yet. The boys and I have been trying to soak up every last bit of summer that we can. In the mornings, I have been getting all my housework done. As well as getting a workout in. (Go Momma!) Then we have been spending all afternoon in the pool. ALL afternoon.

Evenings we have either done a family movie night or Wii. And before bed, I've been indulging in a little guilty pleasure of my own. The past week I've been spending about 30 minutes to an hour every evening in bed with Greg Iles. Okay, not the man himself. His newest book, "The Devil's Punchbowl." Greg and I go way back. I've read most of his books. Have you ever read any of his work? He's a great author. His latest, is one of those double edged swords kinda books. I'm too scared and nervous for the characters to read it for very long at a time. Yet, I don't want to put it down. I want to hurry up and find out what happens,... but I'm scared of what will happen next. Have you ever experienced this when reading a book?

Greg Iles is definitely one of my all time favorite authors. His writing is just so riveting, exciting, all engrossing. His latest book is no exception. I just love it! (In a oh too suspenseful, heart racing , almost pee your pants kinda way.)

So, if your wanting to get one last book on your summer read list, I highly recommend this one. You'll find yourself staying up late and into the wee hours of the morning with Greg Iles too. Trust me, it's time well spent! ;)


Jen said...

I have never read anything of his before and appreciate the recommendation! Is this book one in a series or can I just pick it up and read it to start out with?

I read Pride and Prejudice last weekend... what a great book. I have tried to read "classics" all summer long this year! I really hope Blue Eyes enjoys Robinson Crusoe - I sure did!

kiki said...

I'll give him a whirl. :) For the most part, I've only read recommendations, so I'll be anxious to see what I think.
Love your schedule by the way.

Stacy D. Briefing said...

This is the 3rd book with the main character in it. It's not like a true series kinda book. So it's not a prerequisite to read the 1st or 2nd book before this one. You won't be lost/clueless. I have never read the first book with this character. I read the second one "Turning Angel" (also extremely excellent by the way) if you want to read that first. You won't be disappointed with that one either. I tell ya, he's just great!

Also love anything by Harlan Coben or Lisa Unger too-wonderful work!!! Have you read anything by them? All 3 authors are so suspenseful.

How funny,I read P&P this year too! As well as Persuasion. It took a little while to get into the groove of the writing style/language; but, I'm so glad I read them. P&P is one of my favorite movies, the book was great too. But, I am one of those people who enjoy reading William Shakespeare too just for the challenge. (Dork alert. :) I hope Blue Eyes loves Robinson Crusoe too, we are going to rent the t.v series they had on this year as well-so we can really get into island life. :)

Aloha Amigos!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to check it out. I love to read! Thanks I'll let you know what I think and if it makes me pee myself I'll tell Dave it is your fault:)