Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ricardo Update

Well, Ricardo went to the sports doctor today. He injured his right arm back in April playing tennis. He's been to a doc in the box twice. They have given him a steroid shot in the keester and drugs-all to no avail. Today the specialist gave him a shot directly in the elbow and said give it 6weeks. He thinks it's just tennis elbow. If not better by then, he said "we have bigger problems than tennis elbow to deal with." Ricardo just said okay. Me, I'm like what does he mean bigger problems?! You didn't ask him any questions?" I like to know everything-even remote possibilities, so I can wrap my head around it and research everything. Ricardo, he is more of a don't want to know/worry about it later kinda guy. Guess it really is true what they say about "Opposites attract." ;)

The salary reduction has has conservation. We're trying to really watch our spending. Living within our means, that'll be something different. LOL! Maybe THAT in itself will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. :) Ricardo's been plugging away with the resumes. He's gotten several requests for resumes from headhunters as well as sending resumes off to job ads. We'll keep our fingers crossed something positive happens. He's got the talent and skill, I know it's just a matter of time.


kiki said...

I too, absolutely would have asked what "bigger problems" meant, probably before the doctor took his next breath. lol. Men...they are so simple. Sex, sports, food... They hunt and gather. They are not worried little souls are they? Best of luck on the tightening of the belt and career hunt. Something amazing will come from this.
My word is pipho. What kind of ho is that?

Anonymous said...

A pimp that also ho's? (For Kiki)

I would call the Dr.s office and ask. I wouldn't wait six weeks.

Cut back are so hard. I am a water waster. A bad one and I need serious help.

My word is OVIDS I could go a lot of places with that one:)