Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Woman on NyQuil Speaks...

I'm sitting here typing this post, because I'm too inebriated to drive. :) Yep, momma done got herself loaded up on the meds. Stress? What stress? Let's all just chhhhhiiiiillllll. :)

I've discovered that I reeeeally should get out more. As when I took NyQuil last night, I told Ricardo that it tasted like a fine liqueur. I was wishing I had some Ice Cream, so I could pour NyQuil over the top. Honest. Then I laughed and said since we are all sick we should play quarters, but with NyQuil. Then I got to thinking...cause I'm an idea person.... Picture if you will, a doctor's office. In his waiting room instead of armless chairs and magazines on tables...Barstools gathered around mini tables. People clustered around, wearing Breathe Right strips on their noses. Nurses serving up shot glasses of NyQuil. I'm thinking that maybe, people wouldn't mind the wait time so much. Perhaps even make people look forward to going to the doctor. Yep, that's me-revolutionizing the health care industry one idea at a time.

Today I'm taking antibiotics, and NyQuil Daytime Formula. Not as satisfying as the night-time formula, yet still enough to make me a wee bit loopy. So, I'm sure more ideas will come to me before the day is out. I will forward the relative ones on to the White House posthaste.

But I'm not just spending my freetime revolutionizing the health care industry, no sirree. I've been reading as well. In the past 4 days I've knocked off 2 books. The Kitchen House and The Second Opinion. The Kitchen House, was heartbreaking and disturbing. But perhaps it's just the NyQuil talking. However, I LOVED The Second Opinion. It is by Michael Palmer. (Don't know if he's related to Robert Palmer.) He writes medical suspense novels. Very well I might add. I don't know much about medicine, (other than my experience with the aforementioned NyQuil); but, I found this book fascinating and suspenseful. A side note, he is a doctor,and has a child that is Autistic. The main character in this book is a Doctor with Asperger's Syndrome. I found it interesting to see an Autistic character that was written so well for a change.

Anyway, if you are looking for something good to read, I recommend The Second Opinion. And if you're looking for a good dessert liqueur, I also highly recommend NyQuil. :) And if you're thinking I should probably just sleep it off, I will take your advice. Ta-Ta for now....

The Book Reviewing Lush ;)


Anonymous said...

Your so funny! Last week I was a one woman snot machine. I hope you feel better soon:)

kiki said...

Yuck! Sorry you are sick, and I think I'll pass on enjoying sipping Nyquil after a long day. Thank you though for the suggestion. :)