Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And How was YOUR Day?!

There was much confusion in our house yesterday...

As well as worry...

Some were both confused and worried, like this little guy...

His day started by a trip to the vet's office. And he didn't return home until last night. Our little one nut wonder went in for his neutering. He had a second testicle that had not dropped, so they had to go into his abdomen and retrieve it. Ouch! Thus, the dazed and confused look on his face.

Everyone was relieved to have him back home. No one more than Maestro himself. He's a little tuckered out still today, but I have no doubt he'll be back to running with the big dawgs in no time. In the meantime, we'll have to come up with a new nickname for him. Because, one nut wonder was sooooo yesterday. :)


Anonymous said...

Did you get him fake ones?

poor little guy.

Jen said...

Get well soon, nutless wonder! :)

Stacy D. Briefing said...

No fake ones...but we did save the one to hang from the rearview mirror. ;) Just joking! (Sorry, I'm sick like that.) Nutless wonder...I like it. We were thinking of calling him almond joy/mounds...cause sometimes you feel like a nut...sometimes you don't! Haaaaaaa....ahem, my apologies again.