Monday, March 1, 2010

Hiatus Ending Soon!

Hello. My name is Stacy, and I've been in a funk.

"Hello Stacy!"

Finally working myself out of stress induced funk, and have now become lucky recipient of common cold. *Cough, sniff, deep sigh. *

"Hello Elvirus!"

Common cold was received from husband after traveling for work. Fly the friendly skies my ass! Slogan should read "Fly the nasty, germ ridden skies, bring home an unwanted souvenir for you and all your loved ones!" But I guess that slogan wouldn't sell as many seats. Although it's the damn truth, and there should be truth in advertising!

Now the kiddos are coming down with the junk too.

"Hello Children of the Crud!"

But, once we get over this little slice of life, things should getting back to normal. Or our version of normal at least. :)

We've been working on refi-ing our home. It just drains you. All the proof of income, debt to income ratios, and yet another appraisal. Then it's hurry up and wait while everything moves at a snail's pace. We have been waiting on the results of the aforementioned appraisal. Apparently, appraisals are only good for 60 days. So last year's appraisal was no longer considered valid. Whatever! I think it's just their way of sticking you with yet another expense. (Everyone channel Joe Pesci with me here...."They F*%k you at the drive-thru!!!") But, now our new appraisal is back, we should be able to close on our refi by the end of the month. Providing there are no other obstacles to overcome *And there was much rejoicing!*

The new loan will not be able to recoup all the sleep I've lost, or the stress I've endured wondering if it would go thru. Nor will it get back all the hours I've put into coming up with backup plans if it didn't work out. The new loan will however, enable us to take 5years off our existing note, at a lower interest rate, and enable us to get enough equity back to pay off one of our vehicles. Thus saving us money now as well as later. So, I'll take the trade off!. :)

In other news, Ricardo is still awaiting news from the job he interviewed for months ago. Apparently, they are still very interested in him, but are in a hiring freeze right now. So we will see if that ever amounts to anything. In the meantime, he is keeping his eye out and ear to the ground for other opportunities. I'd love for him to be able to find a place where his efforts are actually appreciated. All bosses are not created equal that's for sure. Somedays, it's all I can do not to kick his current boss in the ass. Ricardo says there is a good reason I am no longer in the work force. Don't know what he could possibly mean by that. LOL!

Hope to work thru this uncommon funk and the common cold quickly. I hate being out of sorts. Discombobulated. But the common cold only lasts for 7-10 days, and my sense of humor never stays gone for too long; so, I hope to be back to posting irrevelant rantings and realizations soon. Just wanted to stick my head out of the sand (or my ass) long enough to say "Hi! I'm still here! Thanks for still stopping by! I appreciate you! And, I'll be back soon!"


Jen said...

Glad to see you back! Missed you!

You have inspired me to get off my rear and post, too - I'll do it today! :)

kiki said...

Welcome home Stacy D Briefing Welcome home.
Hope to see you again soon!!
You've been missed

Anonymous said...

Thank you sweet baby Jesus! I'm glad it was just life getting in the way:) I've missed you.