Thursday, March 11, 2010

The difference 2 numbers make...

Let me start off by saying that all my pets have a microchip. Having literally LOST a pet years ago, I NEVER wanted to experience that hurt again of not knowing where they were or what happened to them. So, I am a strong believer in microchipping.

Having said that, may I also say-once microchipped....maintain your account at your own risk!!! Today, I logged on...or rather TRIED to log on and update my pet's weight, etc. I entered the wrong password. So I tried again. After a few attempts it locked me out of the system. It said to call Home Again to regain access to my account. So I did.

Or I thought I did....

May I just go on the record as saying there is a WORLD of difference between 1-800 HOME AGAIN and 1-888-HOME AGAIN!!! One is the pet service center. One, not so much! Holy Crappers!!! You can only imagine my surprise, WTF factor, and then embarrassment when after dialing the 1-800 number I heard the following prompt:

"Hey there lonely guy, are you wanting to talk to horny girls just waiting for your call...."

What????!!! Oh. My. Word. No!!!!!!!!

I love to shock people, but it isn't often that I am on the recieving end of the shock. Today I definitely was. I'm still reeling (and giggling) at my mistake. What a difference 2 numbers can make!


Jen said...

Same thing can happen if you have a child looking up information about the White House.

is A LOT different than


Anonymous said...

Not good. But very funny.