Tuesday, June 30, 2009

And Now for the Farm Animal Pics

Yesterday, we viewed the farm buildings.

Today, it's all about the animals baby!

There were animals of all shapes, sorts and sizes.

We had large majestic animals:

And wee little ones, who were a bit camera shy:

Some you could pet and feed. Others, not so much. Upon seeing this sign, instead of thinking "I shouldn't feed these animals, I thought: "I should hang this sign around my neck!" Lol!

But, I digress. The above sign was posted outside of this pen.

How beautiful is this guy? I didn't feed him. I was too busy admiring his beauty. So much so, I wanted to arrange for the inheritance of his hide after his timely demise. " Mr. Steer Clear of Me, may I have your coat when you no longer need it? It would look lovely upon my bedroom floor. Thank you kind sir."... Oh quit "poo-pooing" me Kiki! I need me some rawhide!!! ;)

Next we came upon the Alcatraz portion of the farm.

This place was wired up tight. I don't know what this cute little fella could have possibly done. But being a male, it's a given he probably acted like "an ass" at one time or another. :D

He was begging to be petted. But not allowed. Perhaps he tried to take off an appendage at one time. But I think he is remorseful....yet, perhaps not to be trusted.

Another "beauty" was Tom. I'd never seen a turkey so large before.

The ones on my table are much smaller. And not nearly as beautiful. I would have to pardon this guy too. Long may you live Senor Tom.
(That's the little woman standing in front of him. She didn't want me getting too close to her man. :)
Now we have come to the feeding portion of our program. This is the part that all children (and animals) love the most of any farm visit. Allow me to introduce you to our hungry little friends:

What is it about farm animals that the public can feed? They act like they are raving mad with hunger. They are all pushing and climbing up the fence (and over each other) to get a morsel of feed. When we were there, so were about 50 other people-all with feed. So, I seriously doubt they were starving. Yet, I too have known hunger-so who am I to judge when enough is enough.

Some of these fellas were so cute we named them. Okay, I named them. Below is little "Fu Man Chew" Notice his beard.

He was quite serious about his meal.

And this little guy, I named Mr. Soprano. Don't even THINK about not feeding him!!!

He meant business. I think he would have taken out a hit on me, if I failed to share the oats with him. I shared. No worries. Much laughter, but no worries.

The next guy I have given the moniker of Princess Leia. The wrong gender for such a name, but fitting none the less. Don't you agree?

The last shot, is of pigeons. I don't like pigeons really. But these two were hanging around the feeding pens. They just walked around, unafraid of everyone, looking for food. I thought they looked like an old married couple. I don't know if they were from around these parts, or if they too were tourists at the farm. Perhaps they just flew in for dinner.

The Early Bird special I'll bet!!!

1 comment:

kiki said...

I indeed was poo pooing you!!!:)

What great pictures! I loved all of those babies. And yes, looks as if the goat herd eats plenty. What do you think they do with them? Do I want to know?