Thursday, June 4, 2009

Stay at Home Mom speaks out....Loudly

Okay, today I am in a "Mood." So, I advice you to read this following post at your own peril.

May I start by saying, in my humble opinion that Stay at Home Moms are sometimes treated like second class citizens. Oh I know that there are those who have had it much worse. I'm not denying that. I feel for the masses who have suffered far worse, for far longer than I could ever dream of enduring. That is not what I am saying at all.

I will say, for what ever reason, Stay at Home Moms are one of the few people where prejudices are still accepted and where profiling is the norm. We are viewed as a group of people who live on "Easy Street" who's days are filled with "Nothing to do" and what we do accomplish is "insignificant" at best because "we do not earn money." Also, because we have no J-O-B we should be readily accessible anytime of the day or night because what else could we possibly have going on??!!!

Well, I'm tired of it doggone it! Just because I don't have a "career" , don't think for a moment that I don't "work." In fact, if the truth be known; I work harder than you could ever begin to dream of. I may not have business meetings to attend, clients and co-workers to deal with or deadlines to meet. I don't have "vacation days" "sick days" or "weekends off." I work 24/7/365. Okay, 24/7/364...I get Mother's Day off. And trust me, I am indeed dang thankful to have it!

I don't complain because the weekend is over too quickly. In fact, I'm so busy doing laundry, cleaning house, cooking and picking up after everyone that all my days go by at lightning speed and morph into one.

When I answer the phone and you ask, "What are you doing?" and I reply, "not much. What's up?" What I am really saying is, "You don't want to know what numerous mundane tasks I am preforming simultaneously at this moment. I will put them all on hold and not begrudge the interruption in my schedule; because, you have found a moment for me in yours."

I don't buy designer clothing to wear. I don't have the more expensive vehicle to commute in. I don't know the latest fashions, gossip or technical must have gadgets. I don't hobknob with the elite crowd.

I do know that I have worth. I also have feelings that are every bit as important as yours. I know in my heart of hearts that what I am doing right now is more important and worthy of my time and efforts than anything else I could possibly hope to achieve. I also know that I am incredibly lucky and honored to be able to stay at home with my children.

I am raising my children. No nanny, no daycare worker hired at minimum wage. No one could love my children as deeply, monitor their safety more diligently, or anticipate their needs more than I do. I talk the talk and walk the walk. I do not consider it a sacrifice. I consider it a privilege. Hopefully, one day, they might think the same thing too.

So though my days aren't as glamorous as yours, I dare say they are every bit as relevant. I am every woman rolled into one. Mother, wife, teacher, housekeeper, cook, gardener, pool cleaner, pet sitter, poop scooper service, this family's own, personal "411"- I know the answers to all your questions and I can find the very thing you seem to have misplaced.

In fact, if a salary were received for all that I do...only the very wealthy would be able to afford me. I could be viewed as a multi-million dollar corporation. Not in what I earn, but what I save in expenses.

And although my life revolves around my family and their needs, I am still my own person. I still have the same wants and desires as anyone else. I still want to be viewed as an individual, not just part of a family unit. I would still enjoy time out with friends only, hobbies of my own, and moments just by myself from time to time. A little Chicken Soup for MY soul so to speak.

But I have rambled long enough. I have a million of chores waiting for me alone to do. None of which include watching soap operas or eating bon-bons. And before you leave thinking I am whining, please know that I am not. I love my life! I wouldn't trade it for the world! I just want those of you who are "employed" to know that Stay at Home Moms are valuable to society too. We just don't think that the world revolves around us and our job. We learned long ago that there are far more important things in life. Like our family. I never heard of someone on their deathbed wishing they had spent more time at work.


Auds at Barking Mad said...

I have been both a SAHM, a WOTH (Work outside the home) and a WAHM and none are easy, but I 100% agree with your sentiment that sometimes SAHM's are treated as if we are second class citizens with nothing better to do that pop bon bons into our mouths as the kids sit, dazed in front of the Disney Channel.

I'm glad you vented and shared your thoughts on this!

Audrey said...

(here from barking mad)

Amen Sista.

From one SAHM, to you! They have NO idea!

kiki said...

I am just a weeee bit scared to ask, but what kicked that beautiful speech off? I loved it by the way. loved it. You go girl. I think you are very worthy, I did love to hear life from your side though. Nice to know your fantastic thoughts. And Amen to them!

Jen said...

Very well said! I didn't think it was whiny at all!

I stayed home with Garrett the first 3 years of his life and wished I could have done it the same way with Matt. It is a tough job, but the rewards are endless. I, too, felt priviledged to be able to raise my childen myself.

I also know what you mean, about people being a bit predjudiced towards stay at home moms... some people thought that I was short-changing myself, career-wise. They also felt sorry for Travis, for having to "work so hard" so that we could afford for me to stay home.

I was proud of my situation and felt incredibly lucky to experience ALL of Garrett's "firsts."

As kiki said, "You go girl." You will NEVER regret even a minute of your time with your kids. Time flies so fast and your kids will be grown and gone before you know it. You made a wise choice, Stacy. But I know that you already know that... :)

Anonymous said...

I love you.

kiki said...

On second thought, I don't think we should ever know what set that off. :) I think the person that may have had a bit to do with it, needs to become a member of the witness protection program.

You fans and followers obviously loved the write up. I believe you are an accurate voice for many.

Good for you for bringing attention to this subject. Moms are not given enough credit or respect. Nice to know they are not alone in their feelings. Do you happen to have that cathedral email? That post should follow I think.