Monday, June 15, 2009

Love Dare Day.....14???

I dare say, my beloved Ricardo and I are not following the Love Dare Book as it is meant to be followed. I Dare say, we have been too stinking busy. We've had so much going on that we have agreed to take the weekends off from reading our marital book. Is that wrong?! Is it soooo wrong that it is right?! Like, when two negatives make a positive sort of right???!!! I dare say, we will have to amend the 40 day dare into something more like: "The it's gonna take 2 months, cause we take the weekends off , 40 day Love Dare." or "The 60 Day (give or take) 40 Day Love Dare for the Mathematically and Time Challenged Couple" or perhaps: "Our Marriage isn't going anywhere, anytime soon, (I think) so we're taking our sweet time 4000 Day Love Dare"....catchy titles huh?

I know what you're thinking. In the amount of time it took to come up with these clever titles, I could have read the book. Well, perhaps. But the point is, I'm up to my eyeballs in chores, school, birthdays, etc. So, when hubby asked what I thought about taking the weekends off from reading; I jumped at the chance.

We've been spending our weekends out poolside as a family (dogs and all). Which I am certain, SOMEWHERE in this book it mentions quality family time. The past several days have seemed a little irrelevant. We've had days that spend time talking about arguing, giving in to a disagreement, constructive arguing, etc. Ricardo and I honestly don't argue. I can't think of the last time we had a "disagreement." We got that out of our system years ago. It's in the past. Kinda like dancing all night, drinking with friends and dating.

Speaking of, when I mentioned date night to Ricardo, he said: "I thought dating other people was frowned upon." Which caused me to laugh hysterically. I guess in some houses that comment wouldn't have gone over well. But, in ours..laughter wins every time. But I digress.

Anyhow, we are muddling our way through this book as best as we can. I wouldn't be surprised if the author showed up on our doorstep any day now and demanded we relinquish the books to him. But we are slowly but surely, ( actually more slowly than surely) getting through the dare. Today is Day 14 which is about neglecting an activity you would normally do so that you can spend some quality time with each other. UhOh. I can guess which activity we will neglect so that we can spend more time together. Guess that means tomorrow will be DAY 14...or perhaps the day after.

Anyway, as I was saying, we are still married. Still doing fine. Still reading. It is any one's guess at this point as to when we will finish this challenge. Perhaps on our upcoming Anniversary? Oh wait, that's next month. Not enough time to finish it before this year's Anniversary. Lets try for next years. I'll keep you abreast of the latest. ( A breast...snicker, snort, giggle) Perhaps they have a remedial marital book for the juvenile, will laugh at anything, too immature to read/write couple???!!!

1 comment:

kiki said...

Yall are adorable. I think a little customization is perfect. July 1st is my goal to slow the heck down. I am soooo close to calmer days. It's been my goal since January, but hey, I am nearly there. What I am saying I guess, is that I understand. Life is just too busy sometimes.