Monday, February 16, 2009

Ice Cream...I Scream!!!

I went grocery shopping Saturday morning. We had a lot planned for the day, so I hurried through the store. Got everything we needed, paid, loaded it up, and was out in less than an hour. I never gave another thought about my purchases until last night, when I "made dessert." I got out the cones and ice cream and hollered "who wants ice cream?!" As I opened the box, I screamed again. Notice anything strange about these cones.....anything?....anything at all?
Apparently, this is the cone of choice for serving up ice cream to little pixie fairies, weeble wobbles, or fisher price play people.

I wonder, WHY would you even make cones this small?! I know they don't look that small in the package, but LOOK....

Okay, so I know my hands are freakishly large man hands....but STILL!

In the words of Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler..."Really?!! REALLY?!!" You have no idea how hard it was to serve up ice cream in these little babies without cracking the cone....or my skull. But I was NOT going to let a little thing like cones (or just plain little cones) ruin our family dessert.

While some found it amusing to eat such little cones....let alone soooo many cones at one setting....OTHER folks....Well, they wondered:

"YOU are responsible for my food, safety, education and making sure I become a well adjusted adult....REALLY?!!!"


Anonymous said...

Last summer I bought the same damn cones! Not once but twice! AGH!!!! My kids thought I was blind. Love your boys. They didn't seem to mind.

Anonymous said...

Maybe yall ate something that made you grow into giants. ..? You never know, it could happen. I saw it once on TV. Brown eyes looked a little baffled. As for ole blue, when life hands you a lemon....make lemonade.

Jen said...

I've never seen cones so tiny! I would rationalize that to mean that I was supposed to eat 6 of them, instead of just one at a sitting... :)