Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry there have been no postings for the last several days. As you can see, I have been traveling. Where you ask? Backpacking across the desert? Trudging through the swamplands? Boating deep in the Everglades? Lost somewhere deep into the rain forest? If you look closely at the above photo, you could ALMOST believe that I have been back to prehistoric times. (Anyone else remember the show "Land of the Lost" from their childhood? Man! I thought that show was so stinkin' cool!) Why above is a gigantic, carnivores dinosaur. It is miraculous indeed that I didn't get eaten alive by this mighty, ferocious beast during my excursions!!!

Or....perhaps I haven't taken a trip to any exotic locale, or gone back in time. And perhaps the gigantic creature isn't a dinosuar....and maybe he isn't so large either.
In fact, he's actually very, very small indeed. Almost Horton Hears a Who small. Notice his iddy, biddy, teeny, tiny, widdle, scrawny leg? It's a wee baby house gecko.

Thursday night, Harlow was sniffing around in the Dining Room. She sniffed, walked, stopped and tilted her head. Sniffed again and then looked at me in confusion. Then she knelt down and stared into the corner of the room. Since she wasn't on a "time out" I couldn't imagine what she was doing. :) On closer inspection, I noticed a newborn lizard cowering in the corner.(THAT is just how gentle Harlow is-didn't even harm it. Just curious.)

I however, sprang into action-much like the beloved Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin would have. With no regard for my own safety :) I flung myself upon the floor and scooped up this little beauty. (No top jaw roping was necessary in this particular instance. And there was no death roll. But by crikey it was fast paced excitement!!! Quicker than you can say "Bob's your uncle", I had him contained and relocated. Somewhere safe, where he would not be in danger from any of the other "locals." (If you know what I mean....AKA -Disney)

Since then, our little addition has been spending his/her days and nights at this exotic resort-The Planet Frog. This little planetarium :) is leftover from our tadpole/frog experiment a few years back. We pull it out occassionally to use it as needed. This little guy is just too tiny to release outside. In the past 3 days alone, I have seen a gecko much larger than him be scooped up and eaten by a Mockingbird.(Believe me, it wasn't pretty! Oh the horror!!!) Another has been maimed by a weed eater. (He was relocated to a safer part of the yard.) It's a hard knock life for these little guys. The harsh reality is, not every Gecko can get his own commercial and a life on easy street. Honest! Half of these guys alone are injured on the way to the casting calls!!!

But our little guy/doll isn't going to be another statistic. Not on my watch! We have been taking very good care of him/her. Fresh water daily and an assortment of insects delivered right to the wee one. An assortment of baby crickets, slugs, etc. Aside from me looking like the neighborhood moron trapping bugs every night, all is well. So far he/she seems to indeed be thriving.

Yeah, he seems pretty content with life on Planet Frog. Now we just have to work on getting him an agent.


Anonymous said...

I love it! Will he sell insurance?
I REALLY miss Steve Irwin. I think I cried harder than my kids. As a matter of fact I know I did.

kiki said...

Steve was a horrible loss for our world. The animals don't often get a hero. I won't ever understand his early death. But your gecko, is adorable. I hear they are good luck....