Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MORE Great Things

Here is another list of things that I have recently read/watched/ used and found to be great. I'm no expert. These are just things that are affecting my life in a positive way. I always feel, if you find something great, share it with others. So here goes...

I Love to read books on all types of subjects. This one was informative as well as suspenseful with a little romance added in. One of the best books I have read in quite awhile. Maybe it will be to your liking too.

I also just started reading a book by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. The book is "Natural Born Charmer." I've never read any of Ms. Phillips work before; but, I find myself laughing out loud from the witty banter as I'm reading. So far, I'm enjoying it immensely! I also just started reading Jenny McCarthy's new book "Healing and Preventing Autism." (Yes, I'm one of "those people" who read multiple books at once-mock if you must. :) So far, fascinating read. So much info to digest. Learning oodles. Love her!

Now THIS is quite frankly one of the best, most wonderful movies I have watched in a long, long time. I rate it right up there with The Shawshank Redemption as one of my favorites. It affected me/impacted me long after the movie was over. I urge you to give this movie a try. (Have a box of tissues handy.)

This is a movie I watched this Mother's Day weekend. The acting is more of an after school special type of quality; but, the message is profound. It is a faith/spiritual genre film. It's all about marriage and how to make yours "fireproof."

The movie also center's around a book titled the Love Dare. It is a 40 day guide/dare on how to improve your marriage. After watching the movie, I'm ordering a couple of copies of this for Ricardo and I. Not that our marriage is in trouble. It's not. I just want to keep it that way. A lot of churches have done marriage seminars centered around the teachings of this book, so it must be good. I found it on Amazon.com for $8.99. Seems like a great investment deal to me. I'll let you know what I think about it after I'm done reading/implementing these suggestions. Or, if you have watched the movie/read the book/ been to the seminar, let me know what you think as well. We can compare notes.

The last thing on this entry of "Things I Think are Great," is just in time for spring/summer yard and garden time. It is a weed/grass killer. Safe to use around all kinds of plants. I haven't used it around my vegetable garden because: 1. I want to keep it organic. 2. Everything is in pots. :) I have however, used it around and in all my flower beds, around my tree rings, and out beside the pool. It takes about a week before you see any results; but, the results are absolutely fabulous! I think I found a great alternative to spending hours weeding my flowerbeds. Maybe it will make your life easier too.

That's it for this installment. Let me know what you think if you try or have tried any of these. Also, let me know of some things YOU think are great too. I'd love to hear about them/give them a try!!!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Stacy,
I like SP okay. Her books are an easy read. Maybe not smutty enough for me sometimes. I have not seen seven pounds but have the Shawshank Redemption so many times I've lost count. I still cry every time. I also cry when I watch Rudy, Appollo 13 and Sabrina.
I watched Fireproof with Dave and I think more movies should be made that are real. I do however fell that they made the wife out to be a sleeze when her husband is watching porn so much that he is not having sex with her. You, can't compete with something that is not there. Dave also didn't like the fact that the wife seemed to REALLY come around after he spent the money. We both agreed that the husband was an ass anyway because he wasn't helping with his wifes parents and he walked around thinking he was all that because he saved lives. He truly was an ass and a few times I wanted to get up and go get chocolate to to comfort myself but I sucked it up till the end. Right now I could stand up on my soap box and start to go on about marriage and how no one is prepared for it and how everyone should have to take some kind of class but I'll just stop.
Let me know about the Jenny book.
Have you read The Politically Incorrect Wife by Nancy Cobb and Connie Grigsby? It's a book about marriage.
Thanks for the tip on the gradd killer I'll try to find it around here.

Stacy D. Briefing said...

Ricardo and I were both amazed at how dysfunctional the Marriage was in Fireproof. Wow! They were BOTH a piece of work. (After watching the movie, we wanted to make sure we never let ours get like that.) I did joke though, that THAT was why married couples should have SEPARATE laptops. LOL! :) We loved the Dad in the movie though. He was so wise. We just wanted to adopt him into the family.

Rudy is one of Ricardo's fav movies too. If it is on he will always stop what he is doing and watch. Shawshank still gives me goosebumps everytime I watch it. Seven pounds I think is just such a beautiful tribute to love and of redemption.

I will have to put the P.I. Wife on my list of books to read. The title sure sounds like me. LOL! Thanks for the suggestion! :)

kiki said...

I loved Fireproof as well... And the book. Everyone should see that horribly filmed movie. :) Mick and I laughed to each other, because it came out right after our divorce became final. "Oh sure! Now they announce the world's best save your marriage book!" classic. (Can we have a little girl time for a second) Mick by the way, left for his yes, second trip to Mexico with his hot new girlfriend from Brazil today. ...good times. You should have recommended a cocktail on your blog ya know! Just kidding, I am so okay. LOL! Surely she has a flaw. right? (What's the word you always use....digress.... :)
Anyway, I will rent the Will Smith movie. Love him. I too still cry watching the beach scene at the end of Shawshank. Melts my heart. Thanks for the tips.

Jen said...

Have you watched Benjamin Buttons yet? Holy cow, is that ever a good movie. Even my emotionless husband shed a few tears and thought it was good. You and Ricardo should rent it! I give it 4 stars!