Friday, May 8, 2009

Our Family Field Trip Destination

Every year we receive an invitation in the mail for Homeschooler's Day at one of the local amusement parks. THIS year we actually reserved tickets for the first time ever. We haven't been to an amusement park since blue eyes was 5 and brown eyes was still in "the womb without a view." :) The past few years we have declined because frankly, brown eyes just wasn't ready yet. This year we have made such GREAT progress that we decided to give it a go. SOOOO glad we did! We had an absolutely fabulous time! It may not seem that large on paper: But let me say, after about 20 laps around this park-your tootsies sure feel it!!!

Any of you care to guess which one of these guys was the adventurous one?

If you guessed little brown eyes.....

Well, in this one instance you would be wrong. He was a little apprehensive about a lot of the rides. We did the carousel ride, driving the mac truck ride, and the small train around the circle ride. After that, he was just content to watch his brother and Daddy throw caution to the wind. Which they did:

They did the water rides.

And they got just a wee bit wet! LOL!

They rode steers.

Went boating.

They did ferris wheels, a roller coaster ride or two, swings that fly all about. Then Daddy went where the rest of us were only too glad to watch from the sidelines.

This is a large rocket ride that rocks back and forth like a large swing. And then......

It goes completely up-side-down and suspends in mid air. (Insert vomiting here. Ugh!)

Ricardo loves all kinds of wild and crazy rides. Ol blue eyes is on his way to being adventurous. Brown-eyes is for now, like his momma. I am more of a watch you from the sidelines kind of gal. One year many moons ago, I rode an insane roller coaster ride with dear sweet Ricardo. He had been egging me onto rides all day. Then he talked me into riding the roller coaster from hell. One where you go about a gazillion miles an hour forward, loop- de -loop around in circles and stop. I was thinking, "Dear God it is over! Thank you!!!" And that instant it started to go backwards, loop-de-loop at a gazillion miles an hour again. At which point. all I could think was, "Please don't throw up! Please DON'T THROW UP!" Now I don't let Ricardo or anyone cajole or dare me into doing rides. Because quite frankly, I don't have that many life years to lose again! Mock if you must. :)
May I say also, today I tried a funnel cake for the first time in my life. Wow! Someone should have made me try THIS years ago instead of these crazy rides!!! Ricardo was glad I could finally scratch that off my bucket list at long last. ;)
We had an insanely fun time. It was closed to the public and just open to Homeschoolers. No lines hardly at all. Yeah! We plan on going back again next year. Perhaps we will all do a few more rides....I KNOW I'll be getting another one of them there funnel cakes. Thunder thighs be damned! :)
I asked the boys if they had a good time today.

They said it was an ABSOLUTE BLAST!!!


Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm glad you had a good time.
I just got my garden tilled and I'm hoping to get it "in the ground" tomorrow! Wish me luck!

kiki said...

That's a great day!! Looks like yall had a ball. How crazy ironic is it that our last night of Texas School was last night, and they bought 6 flags for us all. We were the only people there. Speaking of blue eyes in the womb...

Auds at Barking Mad said...

Awesome! It looks like you guys had a fabulous time! And ya know what, I love seeing all these pics, becaus me and amusement parks? We get along about as well as oil and water. So I live vicariously through everyone else's adventures!


Jen said...

That does look like a fun day filled with lots of great memories for your kiddoes! I am glad you had a funnel cake ~ they are so good! :)