Thursday, May 7, 2009

Field Trip

Today we are out in the field. Yep, we are outfielders. Um...I mean, We are on a Field Trip! Yeah, that's it! Remember those fun school days?! The ones you looked forward to all year?! One of the only reasons you even went to elem/jr high school to begin with! Well, that and the fact that it was required by law and you were too young to drive yet anyways...but I digress.

We almost didn't go given all the swine flu cases and warnings. We weighed our decision carefully. We weighed the disappointment factor of our children if we didn't go as promised. We thought since the schools were all reopening, it would probably be safe. We vowed not to kiss any piglets. We said we would steer clear of people who were sneezing. We wouldn't shake hands with anyone- even if it appeared rude. Also worth mentioning, the fact that our tickets were non-refundable.

Verdict: Sometimes in life, you've got to take chances. Honor promises made to your children of a good time. We'll be taking plenty of precautions, germ-x (and my camera of course.) So tomorrow, I'll be posting pictures of our excursion. (Or documenting what caused our demise if we fall ill.) But today, Carpe Diem Baby!!!


Anonymous said...

Have a great time.
Today we have homeschool group and we are making artisit trading cards. I don't even know what they are and at midnight I Googles them and now how to make a mad dash to Walmart to get card stock and more glue.

Jen said...

I am so proud of you for not letting the hysteria scare you out of a fun day!

And you are right, your kids remember when you break promises - I remember when mine did! :)

Hope you have a super fun day!