Thursday, November 13, 2008

To Tell the Tooth

As a parent there are always moments that you look forward to. Moments that melt your heart. Moments that make you think that parenting is just the greatest privilege ever bestowed upon matter how tough your day might have been. :) Some of those moments for me surround smiles.

When your baby smiles at you for the first time. You know the one: the little "Elvis Impersonation" where just one side of their mouth raises up. Ahhhhh! Doesn't time just stand still?!! And how about the first time they truly smile at you because they're happy? That cute little "gummy" smile. Doesn't your heart just skip a beat?!

Another of my favorite moments is when they get their top two teeth and their bottom two front teeth in. They think they are soooo funny and grown up. It makes me giggle even now. :D

But I gotta confess, one of my favorite, favorite ( I mean all time favorite moments) is this one right here:

I personally don't think there is any greater" tooth moment", than when they lose their top two teeth! They have that combination look of cuteness and mischievousness all rolled up into one.
I think it is absolutely darling!!! I wish I could push the pause button and make them stay like this a little longer; because, it too goes by in a flash. But there is no pause button. This moment in time will be gone before I know it. So if you'll excuse me....I gotta go gaze at cute little brown eyes! Could he BE any cuter?!!! Have Mercy!!!


Jen said...

I couldn't agree more. I love little toothless grins! :)

Anonymous said...

Make sure to teach him he can drink from a straw without opening his teeth and how far he can spit through that gap. Those are some fun who knew moments when you are a kid. You look adorable little one! I love you,kiki