Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Migraines, Memories and Marriage

You will have to excuse me today. I am suffering from the residual effects of a migraine. Any of you who have ever had a migraine will understand.

But yesterday, I awoke with a migraine and it just continued to worsen. I couldn't see, think or function. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but this migraine was attacking me with a vengeance. So I did what any damsel in distress would do, I called my Prince Charming. Once again, Ricardo, came to my rescue. He immediately left work. With the words, "Work be D*mned, my loving wife needs me!"....okay, maybe he didn't utter those EXACT words; but, I'm sure it was something very close to that! :)

Anyhow, he came home and got me tucked into bed with everything I needed within easy reach. He took blue-eyes to piano lessons, he took both boys out to lunch and spent the rest of the day taking charge. To quote Salt N Pepa..."What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man..." And that got me to remembering how he has always been that way.

If your lucky in life, you have someone who will drop anything and come running when you need them-no questions asked. (I've been lucky enough to have 3) And Ricardo, hasalways been one of those people for me. He has been a constant in my life for 22 years. We dated off and on, and off and on...(well, you get the picture) for 8 years before we got married. We were like the Ross and Rachel of the dating world..."We Were on A BREAK!!!" :) During one of our "breaks" I went through a particularly wild phase. My Indian name was "Princess Party 'til Sunrise" :) After one night of howling at the moon, dancing and drinking til dawn; I was again unable to function. I sent smoke signals and Ricardo came running. He brought me everything one with a hangover needs to recover. A whole bag of goodies. He brought me back from the near beyond. Then and only then, did he say "Are you doing okay? Cause I have someone back at my apartment and I should really get back if you're alright." OMG! He had a girlfriend who was spending the weekend with him! He left her to take care of me!!! It was then, that I had my "Oprah Ah-haaa Moment." I knew that I wanted him in my life and by my side -for the rest of my life. And I did it! I won him back and I'm keeping him! (Whether he likes it or not!! :)

Which brings me to the moral of my long-winded story: You know if it's truly love by how someone treats not only when you are together; But when you are on a BREAK as well. So, Ricardo, Thank you for always helping me no matter what. Thank you for coming back to me. And thank you for being my partner in the trenches, foxholes and never-ending battle called Marriage!!! Wait!....That didn't sound right at all!! But you know what I mean! :)

I promise I will be back tomorrow in full form, with photos. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me today. And on a closing note: to my wingman Wormie, who also has always, always come running when needed. If you find yourself in a foxhole needing help, just call- I will gladly and always heed the call and come a runnin' for you as well. That plus my extra spleen! What a deal!!

**Also a separate shout-out to Jamie. I'm thinking of you on your first day back at work. I hope the day goes by without any hitches! Also, hoping the hours fly by quickly til your back home with your girls (and Greg) again!***


Anonymous said...

For all of those wondering When Ricardo's Ah-haa moment was, I asked him and he said: I always knew you were the one; I was just waiting for you to realize it too! Ahhhhhh!!! Thank you Ricardo! Thank you for being so wonderful and patient!
I love you-Stacy

Jen said...

I love it that he had a honey back at his place and left her to tend to you. That cracked me up! :)
You are indeed a lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Yall are so stinkin cute and sweet. I love you too wingman. And you can have my extra organs anytime as well. And Rick, what a punkin you are...leaving a girl to take care of sister...I bet that girl doesn't ever retell that weekend story. haha