Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mr. Roger's Quote...

I am a lifelong admirer of Mr. Rogers. I have loved him since I was little. I used to watch his show daily. I honestly can't describe what a warm feeling he gave my soul as a child. What a warm feeling it still gives my soul now, just thinking of him. All of you fellow Mr Rogers Neighborhood fans will know what I mean.

Sometimes as a grown up, there are a lot of problems we all face. Problems we don't like to share for fear that someone might not understand. Things we don't mention because we are too ashamed, or afraid, or embarrassed to mention them.

I came across this qoute from Mr Fred Rogers today:

"Anything that is human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings they become less overwhelming, less upsetting and less scarey. The people we trust with that important talk, can help us know we are not alone."

What a wise man indeed! I love this quote. I love the man! And I love all of you for letting me voice my concerns, opinions, problems, and skewered views since I started this blog. For listening, for understanding, for giving advice, concern, help, and love. You are all amazing people! Each and every one of you! And I am a very lucky person indeed to have you to share my burdens and blessings with! Thank you!!! Thank you for reading, for sharing, for laughing and for just being you! You indeed make it a beautiful day in my neighborhood!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee Hee I'm going to steal you Mr. Rogers quote and post it on my facebook!
You brighten our days!