Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just to update, we got brown eyes bloodwork back on Friday. It showed that he didn't have hyperthyroidism, which is good. The results came back with other "concerns" though. Appears his humperdinks are high and his winkydinks are low and she is concerned about his gromecule levels.

Okay, so these aren't real words. Now you know how I felt when she was reading off all the result information to me and I was trying to write it all down. I felt pretty stupid. I hate feeling stupid. So, I have been busy researching things on the internet. Mistake. Nothing like a little research to enlighten you... and send you into a panic. I just wanted to know what she was talking about, not have the bejeezus scared out of me with the possibilities of what it might or might not be.

We see a Gastroenterologist on Thursday. The pediatrician said he would do labwork and an ultrasound. I already checked, he doesn't do his labwork or ultrasounds in house, so we will have to go to labs to have all that done. May I just say, it really pisses me off to have to go to a lab to have work done. It's like a friggin cattle call at these lab facilities. All kinds of sick people. No one to cater especially to children. Why don't doctors do labwork in house anymore? Can you not have one person on staff to draw blood? Can you not have a friggin ultrasound machine sitting in a room so we can get answers right away? Is it too much to ask? Or is it too friggin much for them to spend??? If you are a parent, you don't want to have to sit through a consultation on what or what not might be wrong with your child, only to hear "we will know more after the tests." THEN to have to wait more time to have tests done, and THEN wait even more time to get those test results back. It's too much wait time for people who are worried about their children's test results. I just don't understand. I want answers now! I want results people! Good friggin results. Hello???!!! Ugh! God grant me patience, and please grant it to me now.

So, after the results with the gastroenterologist, we may or may not need to see a Nephrologist according to our pediatrician. I thought the doctor was telling me I needed to see an Astrologist, (I'll spare you THAT humiliating conversation) until she spelled it out for me. I looked up Nephrologist on the Internet. After finding out what one is, I would much rather see an astrologist thank you. But we may be getting ahead of ourselves. A Nephrologist may not even be an issue. I could wait my whole life to see one of those.

My son doesn't act sick. He's not listlessly lying around. He's skinny. But he eats, honestly he does. He runs around, he is ornery, he laughs and jokes. He just doesn't act sick. So I just can't believe he could be otherwise. I can't wrap my head around otherwise. I damn sure can't wrap my heart around otherwise. I'm thinking that the pediatrician is "concerned" because she too is a mom. She just doesn't want to leave any thing lurking out there. Right? An ounce of prevention kind of thing? What all good doctors do? Bloodtests can be off for the most innocent and innocuous of reasons right? It doesn't necessarily mean anything right? These would have all been good questions to ask her when she was giving me her list of what's off and what to do next. I was just too flustered and busy writting stuff down to ask.

So we will await our appointment on Thursday. See what that brings. Good news I pray. I'm trying not to worry. (Insert hysterical laughter here.) When I start to freak out, I go work out. I've logged 3.5 hours on the eliptical and weight machines in the past 24 hours. I'm sure I'll log on at least a couple of hours today. It wears out my mind and body so I can relax, not think. When I get too sore to work out, I will just join my husband on his little island getaway. The island of Denial. It's right next to fantasy island. There, everyone is fine, money is never an issue, things will all work out for the best, no one has any worries. It's a lovely place I've been told. I'm sure I would love it too if I would just give it a chance. Unfortunately, I was born in the land of worry. Nestled between the countries of stress and overreaction. It is landlocked and there are no planes, trains, or ferries to get me to any friggin' islands. In my country, we worry. It's our national pastime. We have 3 day holiday weekends set aside to celebrate worry in all it's glorious forms. In fact, at this years parade, I'm going to be crowned queen!

I will let everyone know what is going on as soon as I do. I'm sure it is nothing. Everything will be fine. I'm probably just over reacting. It's what I do. Worry-Overreact. Overreact-Worry. It's not as bad as it seems. "Concerns" don't necessarily mean there are "problems." Mind over matter....Hey, what do you know! Getting to Denial Islands isn't so hard after all. Wait a minute....If I squint really hard....yep, there it is... I see friggin Mr Ruark and Tattoo sauntering towards me now carrying tall drinks with snazzy little umbrellas. Maybe 2010 will be a good year afterall!


Jen said...

If you need ANY help getting through the medical jargon, let me know. Hell, I will even drive down and go to the appointment with you, if you like.

Gastroenterologist I understand... why would they even mention the Nephrologist though? I am confused. Was his Glomerular Filtration Rate abnormal?

Jen said...

And... of course, I am praying for all of you. Little Brown Eyes is a normal kid with a picky appetite. I am sure everything will be A-OK.

Stacy D. Briefing said...

A million thank you's for helping me with this foreign language I am now immersed in!!! I promise I will try my hardest not to abuse my access to your e-mail box!!!

Thank you!!! I can't say it enough. For all that you are-Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

okay, so I had to look up that word. It is a big word.
Please don't panic, I know it's hard but you really need to keep it together until Thursday. That doesn't mean you can't worry but stop looking stuff up on the internet until after you find out if their is actually anything to actually look up.
I know, I know, I'm a worry wart too. We are praying here for you.

kiki said...

What great girlfriends. I agree with both... contact Jen via email...she'll sort through it all for you. And yes to Carsick too! My friend Lyn is a Dr and she always says....Stop looking at it online!!! She says its worse case scenarios and a whole bunch of what ifs and until you know what to look up....stop looking at the internet. :)
Praying everyday for Brown Eyes, I too am drinking a Pina Cooolada on Fantasy Island I guess, because I too know he'll be fine. :)
As for Ricardo...chewing my fingernails! When do we get to know???!!!!! I am so anxious!!

Jen said...

Thinking of you today as you head to the GI doc. Praying for nothing but good news my friend!

kiki said...

I'm ready for good news..... any updates?