Monday, January 25, 2010

I spy with my dialated eye...

1/2 of our family had eye exams this weekend. Brown Eyes had his vision checked a few weeks ago at the pediatricians office. (Passed with flying colors.) And Ricardo has had lasik, so he didn't need one either.

Blue Eyes has been having headaches a lot lately. We were not sure if it was from using the heater so much, allergies, or eye trouble-he has a lot more reading to do now at the high school level. So we thought best to get it checked out.

Hubby thought I was also due for an exam. Last time I had my eyes checked, was 25 years ago. I guess it was indeed about time. Every 25 years sounds about right. At this rate, I probably only have 1 more eye exam left to go in my life. Which is a good thing, because....

The first thing that we had to do was the glaucoma test. Neither of us had ever had one of these preformed before. We didn't know what to expect. Blue Eyes kindly says, "You can go first." So, I bravely stepped up. All I can say, is I'm glad I went first.

For those fellow glaucoma test virgins out there, let me describe it for you: For the glaucoma test, you prop your chin on a bar and rest your forehead against another bar. Then they have you stare at this laser looking light inside their machine. While focusing on the light suddenly...Poof! This puff of air traveling around 100mph blasts into your friggin eye. Exsqueeze me??? What kind of sadistic freak came up with this test???! Who thought the human eye becoming a pebble in a reverse slingshot was a great idea???!!! Your eyeball is literally slung to the back of your brain at the speed of a rocket. Then the spongy brain matter ricochets it back into it's socket, like a metallic ball in a pinball machine game. It is quite an experience. And not in the I can't wait to have it done again way.

Note, it doesn't actually hurt, at all. Not even the slightest. I just have issues. I can't even do eyedrops. The mere thought of doing eyedrops makes my eyes water enough to flush out whatever is in there. Watching someone put contacts into their eyes freaks me out. The idea of having to ever put contacts into my own eye, makes me want to hurl. So, you can imagine my response when the guy calmly says, "Now, lets do the other eye." Haaaaaaa! Haaaaa! We tested it alright, but the second shot of air was much more gentle. As I had his testicles craddled in my fist.

Okay, so I didn't actually DO it....but the thought crossed my mind. :)

Blue Eyes didn't mind the test. He isn't burdened down with eye issues. He is burdened with poor eyesight though.

Turns out Blue Eyes does indeed need glasses. The Eye doc says that this type of vision impairment can sometimes go away completely in a year or two. Other times, it leads to near sightedness(?). For now though, he only has to wear glasses when he is reading, doing computer work, or other close up task items. The future, who knows. If he has his Daddy's eyes, Lasik may very well be in his future. If he has mine, it definitely won't be. LOL!

We spent about 30 minutes choosing frames. We chuckled over the Harry Potter frames. We oohed and aahed over the Tom Cruise, Top Gun aviator frames. In the end, Blue Eyes chose some nifty rectangle, brown, non metallic, plastic looking frames with cool cutouts on the sides/parts that go over your ears. As you can tell, glasses lingo is my life. LOL! Suffice it to say, I will just post a pic when the new lenses come in. I think he looks quite handsome. And I should know, my eyes are 20/15 vision. :)

Which brings up this thought, why is it that all the handsome, beautiful people have poor eyesight? And all of us ugly cretins can see all our numerous flaws just fine?! Where's the justice in that? Neither here nor there, I just thought the irony was worth mentioning.


Jen said...

I can't wait to see a picture of him in his new specs!

And LOL to "cradling his testicles..." it is only 4:30 in the morning and I am laughing my head off. What a positive way to start my day! :)

kiki said...

You truly are a cornball. You really make me laugh and I am very happy that Blue Eyes does not share your "eye issue". :) I too am SO excited to see that handsome little man in glasses. He's going to look cuter than ever...and very grown up.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see him in his specs!
I on the other hand have glasses. Except for the fact that seven years ago I decided I didn't loke wearing them and threw them away. I see fine except for when I read. Or when I drive. Or generally trying to see.
Last night while driving in the rain Dave hollered For God sakes Melissa go get your eyes checked!

Anonymous said...

I just read your comment. I can't stop laughing! Maybe we need to co write a book together.

my word: werapmwb WTF?

Stacy D. Briefing said...

I would absolutely love to co-write a book with you. Even if it never made it to print, the process would be an exceptionally good time! ;)
Glad my sick twisted sense of humor could make you laugh today.