Friday, October 23, 2009

Doggone Busy

I keep trying frantically to get everything done on my list of things to do-it's just not possible. I need more hours in the day. I'm thinking 36 ought to do it. Yes, 36 hours in a day would probably allow me to complete this backlog of chores and get caught up. I was thinking about petitioning for longer days in lieu of daylight savings time. Or maybe just asking people, who weren't going to take advantage of their extra hour when we "fall back"-if they would mind just giving that hour to me. Instead, I think I will just petition to be a dog in my next life. More to the point-one of MY dogs. Let me show you.....




It truly is a dog's life!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! It really is a dogs life! They are beautiful! And your little guys pretty darn handsome!

kiki said...

Love it!!!!