Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cleaning out the Clutter

Today was a beautiful day- if you were one of the lucky one's who were able to get out and enjoy it. I was not. The rest of my crew got to enjoy the warm sunshine and gentle breezes while riding bicycles outside. I recruited Ricardo to entertain the troops while I set to the task at hand.

The task itself was monumental. Cleaning the boy's rooms. As any parent will tell you, children are hoarders of the worst order. Everything is sacred. Nothing can be thrown away. And it is all far too valuable to part with. Only a fool or very brave soul will try to sort thru the wreckage and decide what to keep with their child in the room. Tears and wailing will ensue. The children will cry as well.

It took me 3 hours; but, I did it!!! Yea Mommy!!! You can see the floors again. Which reminds me I need to replace their worn out carpet; but, that is another project for another day. As for today's project... All the debris is gone. It no longer looks like a tornado came thru and left everything askew. The bookshelves are all dusted and organized. Nothing is under the beds. Toys are in toy boxes, etc. Just ask me where an item is. Any item. I can tell you. :) Man, what a feeling of accomplishment!

So, although I didn't get to enjoy the afternoon outdoors-I will sleep much better tonight. One less project to do. One less eyesore to gaze upon. And if any of you are fellow Suzy Orman fans like know: I have now made room for money. She says that you can't have money coming in, if there is too much clutter in your existing life. (Only she phrases it so much more elegantly.) Judging by the three bulging 30 gallon trashbags I hauled out to the trashcan, I should have oodles of cash rolling in....and now, I have ample room to put it too! :)


Anonymous said...

Yea You! Nothing better than getting the kids room cleaned!

My word is reash.

kiki said...

Now that is a nice day. I love checking stuff off of my to do list. Show me the money!!

Jen said...

The last time I cleaned Garrett's room, I did it while he was at school and I tossed out a LOT of stuff. Among the things I threw away were stuffed animals my mother bought him at a garage sale.

A day or two later, I asked him to take the kitchen trash out, completely forgetting that his toys were in the outside trashcan awaiting pick up.

He came back in the house with stuffed animals that stunk to high heaven - in tears - because someone carelessly threw them away. I told him it had to be a mistake that they wound up in the trash (lie) and promised to make them like new again.

Needless to say, I took the stuffed animals to the laundromat and thoroughly cleaned them up. They are back in his room safe and sound! :)

Next time, I will clean his room the day before trash day!!!!