Thursday, September 17, 2009

Seeking Medical Advice for "Supposed Hypothetical Situation"

Okay, here is a "hypothetical situation"...or not. Let's say that someone was supposedly going out to the mailbox to put outgoing mail in it. Then lets say that it was also trashday. The trashmen had already come, so someone grabbed the trashcans to put away. Upon turning with the trashcans in hand, someone may have glanced at a particular flowerbed and noticed weeds growing in it. Perhaps, (just to make things interesting) this person is a wee bit anal or OCD about the appearance of things. (Can you imagine???!!! ;) Anyhow, said person started pulling weeds. It was also raining. What better time to make weed pulling an easy task ?...Ahem....I digress. Then, for good measure-let's say OCD female is also....klutzy. Said person's klutzy, wet hand slipped and she cut herself on metal edging around the flowerbed. The rusted part of the flowerbed edging of course. BUT the cut is just the size of a papercut. No deep wound. No gaping hole. Just your run of the mill papercut size.

Now lets say klutzy OCD female washed wound with soap, water, peroxide and neosporin. The field is now sterile, so to speak. Would you say I....this person, should get a tetanus shot? (Last one was over 30 years ago) or is it probably fine?

Because a doctor's visit on a high deductible insurance plan would cost a couple hundred dollars by the time it was all said and done. And money is a little tight at the moment. Okay, really tight at the moment.

However...Lockjaw would be very undesirable as well. Can only imagine the horror of paralysis. Being unable to defend oneself, how retchid would that be???!!! Because perhaps said short, blonde, klutzy, OCD female, with vivid imagination, and warped sense of humor, was married to a horndog. What if mouth locked in open position (g forbid)..... and wouldn't close.....couldn't close,... no matter how hard she tried. I shudder to think how long it might take for husband to seek medical treatment for wife. It's a real financial dilemma for her...a moral dilemma for him. The absurd situation....well, it's probably as old as time.

Horndog husband says, I should be fine. Normally, I'd believe him; but, should I trust his advice in this particular instance???? It seems biased. So, I ask you, fellow females on a budget "What would you do?".....


Jen said...

I vote tetanus shot. Tell this hypothetical person to go to the health department for it - not your regular doc. Should cost about $25.

Not to frighten you, but... according to "Without treatment, one out of three people die."

I wouldn't want this hypothetical person to come to an early death over $25. :)

kiki said...

Wow! Thank goodness Jen/RN answered this hyothetical person's question first. Because, I still get a nervous cry when I get a shot. Won't even deliver my Dr client's portraits to their Doctor office. Can't stand the smell, the thought, the germs, the ick in the waiting room air, the magazines they might have touched while they had the ick, the rude glass they keep between you and them, the quiet room they stick you in, the wax paper on the chair, the cotton swabs, cotton balls, the elevator buttons....non of it!! Yuck!! So, I would have said don't do it!! Don't go. But, she is much more wise and correct....not to mention, economical about it. So, for $25 you should go to a "doc in the box" May the force be with you, I mean the hypothetical anal weed picker person. :) XOXO

Anonymous said...

I would have gotten the shot. You make me laugh!