Friday, September 11, 2009

It makes no sense to me!

It makes no sense to me how someone can be cruel to another person without any provocation. I'm no saint. But I am not a bully. I would NEVER lash out at another person without any provocation. When someone gives me a reason....THAT is another story.

Life is hard enough somedays without having someone push you down and stomp on you. Somedays a smile that you give someone, might be the only smile they receive that day. And it also might be just enough to keep them going if they've had a particularly rough day. Or better help them face tomorrow. Also a kind, heartfelt word costs nothing to give. But it can be priceless to the person who recieves it.

I think the world (including the internet) would be a better place if people would just remember this.


Jen said...

Wondering what provoked this post... it is so true and it would be a better world if people were all-around kinder to one another.

kiki said...

Hide and Watch i say. They better look out!! :)
I think youre everything wonderful!
Does that make you feel a tiny bit better?

Anonymous said...

Please email me the details. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

NOw I get it. I just read it. Imalittle slow.