Friday, February 12, 2010

Reason #2 Ricardo doesn't work for Hallmark

Here's another inspirational conversation from my beloved Ricardo on Marriage and Divorce that didn't quite make it to a Hallmark Card....

Me: Please promise me that you will never leave me and we will never get divorced.

Ricardo: (Taking my hand and gently rubbing it.)"Don't worry. We won't get divorced and I won't leave you."

Me: (worriedly asks)"How do you KNOW???"

Ricardo: (tenderly replies) "Because we both know what it takes to make a marriage work."

Me: (melting inside from his sweet comments, I curiously ask:) "Ahhh,... what's that?"

Ricardo: (continuing to hold my hand sweetly replies)"... We both know that no matter how BAD things get, you just suck it up, and stay in it for the kids!!"

*I'll spare you the lively Q&A that followed THAT little enlightening, romantic comment* ;)


Jen said...

Seriously, Hallmark SHOULD start a new line of cards like those. Very realistic, no floofy words - cards that tell it like it is! Travis would snag those for every card-giving holiday!

Ricardo should truly get a job writing greeting cards and you should get a job writing for Saturday Night Live...

kiki said...

I think Jen could be on to something. What to call the very successful line of cards....that could be interesting. :)