Thursday, February 11, 2010

If Ricardo Wrote for Hallmark- Card #1

Valentine's Day, THE day of love is right around the corner. Romance is in the air. Flowers and candies are being bought. Men are practicing their smooth moves and romancing skills. In the spirit of romance, the next few days leading up to V-Day, I will share with all of you some classic phrases my own Romantic Ricardo has uttered to me over the past many years. Lines that made me love him even more.....or perhaps inspite of what he said. Lines that didn't quite make it onto a Hallmark Card; but, perhaps should have. I'll let you be the judge....

Ricardo's Flattering words about PMS:

Ricardo: "Honey, you must not suffer from PMS huh?.... Cause I don't ever notice you being any bitchier than any other day of the month."

Me: "Ahhhhh! That's sweet! Wait a minute....What???!!!"


Jen said...

LOL! That's hilarious!

I can see Travis saying something like that, too!

kiki said...

Love it! He's so smooth. :)