Monday, December 21, 2009

Looking forward to Christmas Break...

Well Christmas time is upon us. You know what that means...CHRISTMAS VACATION!!!! We have been plugging away at our "Box-o-Knowledge." Now there is just two more days to go. Two more days to get to a stopping point. Two more days until we are done until after the New Year. Two more days until we all get to rest. Which is a good thing. Because quite frankly, we all NEED a break.....

Apparently some of us more than others! ;O

Guess in dog years, this semester has been 7x as long!


kiki said...

LOL!! So cute. Love babies tongue sticking out.
They do look over worked

Jen said...

I finished the book. I sit here in tears - it was such a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. It is the best book I have read in a very, very long time.
I love you.

Stacy D. Briefing said...

I'm sure I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. Book??? What book???

(But you are right, it is a beautiful story. I cry every time I read it. And you are more than welcome. ;)

Just wanted to say thank you... For not minding your best friend "sharing" you with me, and for accepting me so graciously every time I horn in on your time together. :) You are an amazing person! I can see why you and Kiki are best friends! (Most definitely cut from the same cloth!)

Happy Holidays!!!

Jen said...

I hope you and your sweet boys - all 3 of them - have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful Christmas break from the box of knowledge! :)