Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Ironies of Life...'s always something isn't it???!!! I'm thinking of making a new and improved board game with some of the ditzy real life scenarios that occur in my everyday "Murphy's Law" existence. My whole life seems to involve doing or saying one inane, dorky thing after another. In fact, I can't tell you how many times my hubby Ricardo has uttered these words: "That's alright Stac, you just sit there and look pretty!" Too many times to count that's for sure.

Here's an example of a little scenario that happened to me this morning...

Woke up. Fed dogs. Got coffee. Logged on laptop to check e-mails. Had 23 awaiting me. 3 from my bank (never a good sign). ALL of them overdraft notices/fraud alerts. (An even worse sign!) I have 3 overdrafts so far today-and it is only 7:30am. I'm getting the impression I should just go back to bed and call it a day. With all the overdraft charges I have already incurred, it is really the smartest, most economical thing I can do at this point. Don't you agree??!!

I paid all my bills on the 1st, like I always do. Notified hubby-all the bills are paid. However, it is going to be tight until next payday. We MUST not do anything foolish. Watch our P's and Q's. Be frugal. etc. Ricardo suggested transferring money from our savings account at one bank over to our checking account at yet another bank to tide us over. Sounded like a good idea at the time.

Only, imagine my surprise this morning...when instead of depositing money into my checking WITHDREW money FROM my checking account. Money that wasn't in there to begin with. Yeah, it's all chuckles at this point. Chuckles and overdraft fees.

I notified dear sweet husband Ricardo of the mistake. He went down to our local bank with the checking account, notified them what happened. Reversed the transaction. And had them waive the fees. (He's very good at that sort of thing.) Now we just have to sit tight for the 48 hours it takes to have the money moved from one account to the other. (As our savings account bank is somewhere else entirely.)

I gotta say, Ricardo was none too happy about the situation. Not at all. I tried to explain that it was an innocent mistake. Could have happened to anyone. Nothing to get all flustered or upset about. After all, he's the credit/finance man. Surely, he's seen that kind of thing happen before right?!

I told him I loved him. I also told him not to be too hard on himself. As you see,... he was the one who made the "oopsie" reverse money transfer to begin with, not me..... Life sure can be ironic at times huh?

I will have to ponder upon that little irony a little. Right after I finish sitting here and looking pretty. ;)


Anonymous said...

What a morning!!!!! My stomach is nervous just thinking of over draft charges.

Jen said...

I can completely see how something like that could happen! Thank goodness it was an oopsie and not a real overdraft!

Travis and I do not EVER reconcile our checking account. I think he must have money hidden somewhere as a safety net so I don't overdraft.

kiki said...

Oh honey! That made me sick. Good save though