Thursday, April 8, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Been quite busy with school work, house work, yard work, etc. But here's some thoughts that are sticking in my mind....

Did ya'll see this story- "Airline lifts 70 year ban on pilots flying while on anti-depressants." Now, perhaps it's just me...but if my pilot wants/needs antidepressants-LOAD HIM UP!!! Because while taking antidepressants MAY cause a slight chance of thoughts of suicide....a depressed pilot flying while NOT on antidepressants almost certainly insures the probability of the plane going down. Don't you think???!!!

Why is it that the mere thought of not buying landscaping almost causes me as much pain as the actual act of installing it???!!

Why does it take an effortless nano second to gain a pound....and hours on the eliptical to work it off???!!!

Why is it that if you are an average person who has an affair, you're a "cheater." Yet, if you're a celebrity, you're a "sex addict?" Does a couple of million entitle you to a fancier title as well as all the other numerous perks?!

Am I the last person on earth that hasn't joined Facebook? (Surely, there must be someone else.) I miss the old days of just having lunch with someone. Picking up the phone and calling. WHY is it that "communicating" can only be done online?! I'll have to blog about that someday......Haaaaaaaaaa!!!


Anonymous said...

Can't talk now I have to take the kids to town. Will respond later. Just wanted to say Happy to hear from you..... JOIN FACEBOOK and be my friend!

Jen said...

Yeah, be my facebook friend too. :)

PS - before you join, watch this:

Make sure the kiddoes aren't around when you do!

kiki said...

First of all....soo good to read a new post from you!
I agree with all your thoughts! Pilots...hey whatever you need. Weight...I work out 5-6 days/wk for 1 1/2 hrs to maintain my weight...I can each one junk food item, and gain a lb. joke! Hopefully Tiger playing in the Masters with divert attention. The news break was expected when you are a celeb, I don't care to know any more about his "marriage".
As for facebook, I was a very late joiner, but would have to say I spend too much time reading daily updates of "friend's" I've had no communication with for 20yrs. If you join, be very selective of who you accept. (besides carsick, jen and I) :)