Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reason I won't win any Mother of the Year Awards #987

Okay, perhaps I shouldn't be sharing this little story....but I will. Because, that's what I do.

Backstory: Darling hubby Ricardo LOVES 2 1/2 Men. I've bought him the DVD's as gifts in the past because he loves them so much. We lay in bed most nights watching them before we go to sleep. We quote lines back and forth to each other from this show almost as much as we do from "Friends." We often watch this show together as a family. Our boys have even started grabbing the DVD's to watch on their own sometimes too. We didn't think it was much of a problem.....until now.

Have any of you seen the episode "Weekend in Bangkok with 2 Olympic Gymnists" where Charlie reluctantly takes Jake out to grab some Uncle Klucky's Fire Roasted Chicken? Well, my boys have. Repeatedly.

The other day Ricardo was working late. The boys and I had dinner without him. While dining on Chicken Quesadillas, I was conversing with Ol' Blue Eyes. After finishing the conversation, little Brown Eyes starts a conversation of his own. It went a little something like this:

Little Brown Eyes: Hey Mom?

Me: Yes?

Him: Just eat the fricken chicken!


At first I was totally flustered. Not because I was angry with him-not at all. Didn't have time. I'm too busy thinking "Oh Shit!!! When did I say Fricken in front of him? And what will his Dad have to say about this?!"

Cause as you all know, it was me who dropped the "F Bomb" in front of my kiddos a few years back, only to have my eldest innocently repeat the word in front of his Dad at a later date. Then throw me under the bus when his Dad asked where he heard the word..... :)

Anyhow, my mind is going a million miles an instant. "Shit, shit, shit!!!" While I'm simultaneously looking from one son to the other with an expression much like a deer caught in the headlights. Then, Ol Blue Eyes laughs and says:

"He's repeating that line he heard on 2 1/2 Men."

Then, I started laughing. Hysterically. I was saved. Oh, it's not in any way, shape or form proper....but it's pretty fricken funny! Even his Dad thought so when I later told him the story.

We will be having a talk with him about that not really being an acceptable word to use.....just as soon as we can do it without laughing. ;)


Anonymous said...

HA ha ha haaaaaaa
My kids recite lines from Dodge Ball and Anchorman!!!! We stopped watching 2 and a halh cause the girls were asking questions....

kiki said...

I love Two and a Half Men. There's probably A LOT of lines from that sitcom they won't be able to repeat once they figure out what it means. Until then, I guess eat your frickin chicken.

Jen said...

I use that word too... it is better than the alternative! :)