Friday, April 16, 2010

A Chilling Experience

Been an interesting week around here. You know how they say, "You never know what you have until it's gone?" Well, they are correct. Guess what decided to up and leave us this week:

That's right. Our refrigerator. Oh, it didn't get up and leave. But, the compressor quit working. So, it might as well have just walked right out the door. I was so disgusted, I didn't even clean the front or the inside off after I unloaded all the spoiled food out of it. So there! Something about unloading gross smelling meat and melted ice cream- it just puts you in a foul mood. Go figure.

So we've been "camping" all week long. This statement makes Ricardo laugh.

Me: This is like camping huh?

Ricardo: HOW is this like camping?!

Me: Cause we are having to rough it.

Ricardo: What?!!

Me: You know-No ice. No cold beverages. No cooking. Just living out of an igloo cooler.

Ricardo: THAT is nothing like camping you dork!

Me: Well, it's as close to camping as I want to get!!! Having my comfy bed, bathroom, air conditioning and of course cable are the ONLY things making this week tolerable. Well, that AND the take out food.

Ricardo: You're funny.

Me: I'm being serious!

Ricardo: THAT is what MAKES it so funny!!!

Me: I'm thinking I wouldn't do so well on "Survivor" huh?

Ricardo: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

As disgusted as I am about a 5 year old refrigerator breaking, I've decided to look on the bright side of things. Like exhibit A:

5 years ago, to get a refrigerator with an icemaker/water dispenser, you had to get a side by side. Which really makes you lose a lot of space in a frig.

But NOW they make these babies:

The whole top is the frig:

And the bottom is the freezer:

Which is also great, because NOW with any luck- I won't be dropping frozen food on my feet all the time. Or at least if I do, it might hurt a lot less since it doesn't have so far to drop. (?)

The new frig has a lot of cool features. But, one of my favorites is the LCD light. Kind of looks like aliens have landed huh?

Here's hoping THIS frig lasts longer than 5 years. And to being able to pay this puppy off in the next 12 months before the interest free period expires on the Home Depot card. Ugh! That pressure turns my stomach more than the smell of the sour food!!!


Stacy D. Briefing said...

FYI: To save any of you the disappointment of having your frig crap out on you, I will share the advice the repairman said to me:

Buy Whirlpool (#1) or GE(#2) not Maytag. Even tho Whirlpool bought out Maytag- make sure you get the Whirlpool brand. Maytag is made with cheap compressors. Not made to last, not worth replacing. Also, avoid LG frigs- replacement parts take 2-3 weeks to get in.

Thought this was pretty good info to know. Wish I would have taken him shopping with me 5 years ago! :)

Jen said...

What a beautiful new fridge! New appliances are something I dream of having one day... :)

kiki said...

I too love new kitchen anything! She's beautiful. :)
We had a single neighbor lady that was "a little off" when we lived in Aledo. When her frig died, she turned it on its back and used it as a great big cooler on her back patio. OMG! Must have been a funny conversation piece for all of her friends that believe in decor on their patio.
...You might be a redneck...