Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our neighborhood really does Halloween up right. There is plenty of Halloween decor in the yards. Pumpkins and ghosts a plenty. And on Halloween night, all the neighbors are outside passing out candy and visiting. To make it even better, one of our neighbors has his own "party business" so, every Halloween he passes out his party favors....Popcorn from his popcorn machine, cotton candy-fresh spun, and Frozen Margaritas from his Margarita machine....with refills too mind you. :) I used to be able to hang with the big dawgs once upon a time. Shoot, truth be told I could bark louder than anyone. Ha! But not anymore. Uno Margarita for me por barking allowed. :) But it is a fun evening just the same.

But the best part of the evening-getting to see my boys dressed up in their costumes! Course I always have to snap a few pics. I ask you, when is the best time to capture the images? Before the big event, when they are too impatient to leave? After you return, when they are eager to dive into their goodies? Or after they get all "hopped up" on sugar-when you can get some real action shots??? I always do the before photos. I only get a few in before I hear "Come on! Come On!!! We are ready to leave!" :)

All that being said, here are this years costumes.... (cue the music please)...."da da da dummmmmm" (thank you!)

Brown Eyes went as....

The cutest Cat in the Hat EVER!!! :)

While Blue Eyes went in a costume designed after some comicbook/story character he invented and wrote several short stories about....
The Adventures of Muscle Man....(patent pending. :) Doesn't he look buff? And strong? And capable of rendering aid to those in need???
Just look at one of his many good deeds from last night...

He used his ultra strong muscles for good (not evil)- by helping his favorite aforementioned feline friend by hold up his drooping hat.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! They are so cute! I'm glad they had a good time.

kiki said...

I'm glad you all had such a fun Halloween. I just love Halloween.

Jen said...

Cute pictures! You have such sweet boys!

And when the MM books are published, I want an autographed copy! :)