Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What does this Symbol Mean???

I saw this on the computer yesterday. It asked "Do you know what this symbol means?" So I thought about it. I came up with several possibilities. Do you know what it means? I'll give you a minute to guess....................................................................................................................................................

It is on all 2008 or newer vehicles and it is SUPPOSED to mean low tire pressure. Who knew? (Guess those amongst us who drive a new vehicle. LOL!) Now, we all know. Please share: What were your guesses? In the spirit of full disclosure, here's mine:

My 1st thought was: "Hmmmm, it reminds me of the stomach of the guy off the Operation Game." Cause it looks like a stomach with an exclamation mark in the middle. Don't you concur? (Or perhaps that's just what I saw on MY ink blotter...;)

My second thought was "It could mean I'm sooo full it hurts!" (Cause it definitely looks bloated. Don't you think?...again, maybe it's just MY interpretation, as I often feel like this) Then, I laughed and thought: ..."Warning: Gas Ahead!" Or maybe it is a public service announcement of some sort....Let's see: A symbol for bloating, exclamation mark....I've got it: "PMS AHEAD!!! THE NEXT WEEK WILL BE HAZARDOUS TO EVERYONE AROUND YOU!"

By this point the real answer didn't even matter anymore. I was just totally enjoying the possibilities. I'm just like that. Easily amused. Or a dork. pOtAtO/ pa-tah-to . But at any rate, I'm now thinking: can you IMAGINE the possibilities I could conceive at a therapists office with their ink blots?! (Soooo couldn't take that seriously.) A shrink's dream/nightmare (given their sense of humor or lack there of. I'm guessing the latter.) I can just hear it now as they lead me away in my nice, crisp, white jacket: "Stac, I now pronounce you, certifiable. Imaginative. Humorous. Yet, nuts just the same!" ;)

Today's Daily 3:

1. I'm grateful for the ability to find humor in things that other's don't, wouldn't or shouldn't find funny.

2. Puffy white clouds on a clear day. Beautiful!

3. To have known the love of several excellent dogs in my lifetime.


kiki said...

I think it looks like a bootie sitting on a striped chair. For example: "Warning this chair causes your butt to push out on the sides." Does this chair make my butt look big?

Jen said...

LOL Kiki! :P

I thought it was a symbol for pregnant women to be on alert... like an amusement park ride.

I had never seen it before today! Since I typically purchase used cars which are 10+ yrs old, it will be 2020 before I see this symbol in a car of my own. :)

Stacy, you are so funny and I think it is a great example of what a cheerful & fun loving person you are - you can find humor in almost anything!