Thursday, August 12, 2010

Like Bruce Says: Baby, We Were Born to Run

Reality can be a harsh mistress. We've all been adjusting this week from Kansas time back to Texas time. Time is racing by with all that we have to accomplish before school starts next week. Some of us are feeling the time constraints. Others, are feeling constraints on their freedom from city life. Take Brown Eyes for instance:

Brown Eyes: "Mom, I really miss Kansas."

Me: "Ahhh! You do Baby?"

Brown Eyes: "Yeah. 'Cause in Kansas, you have room to run!"

Apparently, Bruce Springsteen isn't the only one who was born to do it. ;)


Anonymous said...

Your too funny!! I'm glad you had a nice time.
BTW when Dave comes home and see's the crockpot on he says I hope you have ketchup cause whatever you made smells like shit.

kiki said...

LMAO Carsick!!

Sweet Brown Eyes, was born to be a country boy was he? There's nothing like being able to run and play in the "safety" of a small town. I'm glad he had so much fun.

Jen said...

Kansas misses the boys. :(

Love you guys!