Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Tongue Twister

I found myself wondering today how tongue twisters came about. Who writes them? What was their inspiration? I know that you do indeed see sea shells, sea shells by the sea shore. But, was there really a guy named Peter? Did he indeed pick a peck of pickled peppers? And exactly how many of these tricky tongue twisters are there circulating out there anyways?

Well.... today, there is one more. The author's name escapes me at the moment. I will say however, that this particular person is a female. I know that for a fact. And if I recall correctly, she is a less than graceful, (some might say "klutzy person") who may or may not have been in a hurry while shaving her legs. Perhaps before doning a swimsuit and going out to the pool. But I don't remember exactly. Or maybe I've mentally blocked that out. Anyhow, here is the latest tongue twister that is making people stutter... and wince:

Nerd Nicks Nipple Now Needs Neosporin.....

Try saying that 3 times quickly. Maybe while applying a BandAid. Let's just leave it at that shall we?


Jen said...

*cringing with sympathy pain*

Anonymous said...

I think I just peed

Kiki said...

LMAO! make me laugh...and are very honest.