Friday, July 23, 2010

A Conversation with Brown Eyes

My youngest has entered the "question phase." Endless questions. One right after another. All day long. He never seems to get tired of asking them. Although, I must admit, I do get a wee bit weary of answering them after about the 1 millionth one. :) But, then I remember that there once was a time where he couldn't communicate with us at all. Would just have a melt down because he couldn't express how he was feeling or what he wanted. So, that makes all these questions seem like a beautiful thing indeed.

Today while we were swimming, we had another Q&A session. It went a little something like this.

Brown Eyes: Caesar and Disney are in Heaven right Mom?

Me: Yes they are.

Brown Eyes: But I'm going to live a long time right Mom?

Me: Yes you are!

Brown Eyes: Do they have pools in Heaven Mom?

Me: No they don't.

Brown Eyes: So, we'll just have to build one right?

Me: Yes, we will.

Brown Eyes: Both people and dogs will like that won't they Mom?

Me: (extremely choked up)...Yes son they will.

Maybe it's just the sun...and the son....But, I think that is one of the most beautiful thoughts I've ever heard.


Jen said...

I love how innocent minds work. What a sweet, kind thought! I have often hoped myself, that people and dogs will be in heaven together.
I even asked a psychic that question once and she said we would all the going to the same heaven.

kiki said...

He has a beautiful little soul. That is a very sweet conversation. And Jen, I remember reading in your blog of the day you all sat down with a psychic. I loved that your question was Would we be in heaven with our dogs...or something along those lines. I hope the psychic and Brown Eyes are correct. :)

Anonymous said...

You have quite a boy!

Jen said...

I loved seeing you guys this weekend. Your children are truly the sweetest, most polite boys I have ever met.
I just love all of you and it meant so much that you drove the extra hour to come to my house.
I can't wait until next time.
Hug those boys for me!